Single File Test Bench and Design - 2020.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

You can also include the design and test bench into a single design file. The following example has the same hier_func function as discussed Example Test Bench, except that everything is coded in a single file: top-level function, sub functions, and main function for the test bench.

Important: Having both the test bench and design in a single file requires you to add that file to the Vitis HLS project as both a design file, and a test bench file.
#include <stdio.h>

#define NUM_TRANS 40

typedef int din_t;
typedef int dint_t;
typedef int dout_t;

int sumsub_func(din_t *in1, din_t *in2, dint_t *outSum, dint_t *outSub)
 *outSum = *in1 + *in2;
 *outSub = *in1 - *in2;

int shift_func(dint_t *in1, dint_t *in2, dout_t *outA, dout_t *outB)
 *outA = *in1 >> 1;
 *outB = *in2 >> 2;

void hier_func(din_t A, din_t B, dout_t *C, dout_t *D)
 dint_t apb, amb;


int main() {
 // Data storage
 int a[NUM_TRANS], b[NUM_TRANS];
 int c_expected[NUM_TRANS], d_expected[NUM_TRANS];
 int c[NUM_TRANS], d[NUM_TRANS];

 //Function data (to/from function)
 int a_actual, b_actual;
 int c_actual, d_actual;

 // Misc
 int retval=0, i, i_trans, tmp;
 FILE *fp;
 // Load input data from files
 for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
 fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);
 a[i] = tmp;

 for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
 fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);
 b[i] = tmp;

// Execute the function multiple times (multiple transactions)
for(i_trans=0; i_trans<NUM_TRANS-1; i_trans++){

 //Apply next data values
 a_actual = a[i_trans];
 b_actual = b[i_trans];

 hier_func(a_actual, b_actual, &c_actual, &d_actual);
 //Store outputs
 c[i_trans] = c_actual;
 d[i_trans] = d_actual;

 // Load expected output data from files
 for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
 fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);
 c_expected[i] = tmp;

 for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
 fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);
 d_expected[i] = tmp;

 // Check outputs against expected
 for (i = 0; i < NUM_TRANS-1; ++i) {
 if(c[i] != c_expected[i]){
 retval = 1;
 if(d[i] != d_expected[i]){
 retval = 1;

 // Print Results
 if(retval == 0){
 printf(    *** *** *** *** \n); 
 printf(    Results are good \n); 
 printf(    *** *** *** *** \n); 
 } else {
 printf(    *** *** *** *** \n); 
 printf(    Mismatch: retval=%d \n, retval); 
 printf(    *** *** *** *** \n); 

 // Return 0 if outputs are correct
 return retval;