pragma HLS occurrence - 2020.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English


When pipelining functions or loops, the OCCURRENCE pragma specifies that the code in a region is executed less frequently than the code in the enclosing function or loop. This allows the code that is executed less often to be pipelined at a slower rate, and potentially shared within the top-level pipeline. To determine the OCCURRENCE pragma, do the following:

  • A loop iterates <N> times.
  • However, part of the loop body is enabled by a conditional statement, and as a result only executes <M> times, where <N> is an integer multiple of <M>.
  • The conditional code has an occurrence that is N/M times slower than the rest of the loop body.

For example, in a loop that executes 10 times, a conditional statement within the loop only executes two times has an occurrence of 5 (or 10/2).

Identifying a region with the OCCURRENCE pragma allows the functions and loops in that region to be pipelined with a higher initiation interval that is slower than the enclosing function or loop.


Place the pragma in the C source within a region of code.

#pragma HLS occurrence cycle=<int>


Specifies the occurrence N/M.
Number of times the enclosing function or loop is executed.
Number of times the conditional region is executed.
Important: <N> must be an integer multiple of <M>.


In this example, the region Cond_Region has an occurrence of 4 (it executes at a rate four times less often than the surrounding code that contains it).

Cond_Region: {
#pragma HLS occurrence cycle=4