Merging Sequential Loops to Reduce Latency - 2020.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

All rolled loops imply and create at least one state in the design FSM. When there are multiple sequential loops it can create additional unnecessary clock cycles and prevent further optimizations.

The following figure shows a simple example where a seemingly intuitive coding style has a negative impact on the performance of the RTL design.

Figure 1. Loop Directives

In the preceding figure, (A) shows how, by default, each rolled loop in the design creates at least one state in the FSM. Moving between those states costs clock cycles: assuming each loop iteration requires one clock cycle, it take a total of 11 cycles to execute both loops:

  • 1 clock cycle to enter the ADD loop.
  • 4 clock cycles to execute the add loop.
  • 1 clock cycle to exit ADD and enter SUB.
  • 4 clock cycles to execute the SUB loop.
  • 1 clock cycle to exit the SUB loop.
  • For a total of 11 clock cycles.

In this simple example it is obvious that an else branch in the ADD loop would also solve the issue but in a more complex example it may be less obvious and the more intuitive coding style may have greater advantages.

The LOOP_MERGE optimization directive is used to automatically merge loops. The LOOP_MERGE directive will seek so to merge all loops within the scope it is placed. In the above example, merging the loops creates a control structure similar to that shown in (B) in the preceding figure, which requires only 6 clocks to complete.

Merging loops allows the logic within the loops to be optimized together. In the example above, using a dual-port block RAM allows the add and subtraction operations to be performed in parallel.

Currently, loop merging in Vitis HLS has the following restrictions:

  • If loop bounds are all variables, they must have the same value.
  • If loops bounds are constants, the maximum constant value is used as the bound of the merged loop.
  • Loops with both variable bound and constant bound cannot be merged.
  • The code between loops to be merged cannot have side effects: multiple execution of this code should generate the same results (a=b is allowed, a=a+1 is not).
  • Loops cannot be merged when they contain FIFO accesses: merging would change the order of the reads and writes from a FIFO: these must always occur in sequence.