The assert macro in C/C++ is supported for synthesis when used to assert range information. For example, the upper limit of variables and loop-bounds.
When variable loop bounds are present, Vitis HLS cannot determine the latency for all iterations of the loop
and reports the latency with a question mark. The tripcount
directive can inform Vitis HLS of the loop bounds, but this information is only used for
reporting purposes and does not impact the result of synthesis (the same sized
hardware is created, with or without the tripcount
The following code example shows how assertions can inform Vitis HLS about the maximum range of variables, and how those assertions are used to produce more optimal hardware.
Before using assertions, the header file that defines the
macro must be included. In this example, this is
included in the header file.
#ifndef _loop_sequential_assert_H_
#define _loop_sequential_assert_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include ap_int.h
#define N 32
typedef ap_int<8> din_t;
typedef ap_int<13> dout_t;
typedef ap_uint<8> dsel_t;
void loop_sequential_assert(din_t A[N], din_t B[N], dout_t X[N], dout_t Y[N], dsel_t
xlimit, dsel_t ylimit);
In the main
code two assert
statements are placed before each of the loops.
These assertions:
- Guarantee that if the assertion is false and the value is greater than that stated, the C/C++ simulation will fail. This also highlights why it is important to simulate the C/C++ code before synthesis: confirm the design is valid before synthesis.
- Inform Vitis HLS that the range of this variable will not exceed this value and this fact can optimize the variables size in the RTL and in this case, the loop iteration count.
The following code example shows these assertions.
#include "loop_sequential_assert.h"
void loop_sequential_assert(din_t A[N], din_t B[N], dout_t X[N], dout_t Y[N], dsel_t
xlimit, dsel_t ylimit) {
dout_t X_accum=0;
dout_t Y_accum=0;
int i,j;
SUM_X:for (i=0;i<=xlimit; i++) {
X_accum += A[i];
X[i] = X_accum;
SUM_Y:for (i=0;i<=ylimit; i++) {
Y_accum += B[i];
Y[i] = Y_accum;
Except for the assert
macros, this code is the same
as that shown in Loop Parallelism. There are two important differences in the synthesis report
after synthesis.
Without the assert
macros, the
report is as follows, showing that the loop Trip Count can vary from 1 to 256
because the variables for the loop-bounds are of data type d_sel
that is an 8-bit variable.
* Loop Latency:
|Target II |Trip Count |Pipelined |
|- SUM_X |1 ~ 256 |no |
|- SUM_Y |1 ~ 256 |no |
In the version with the assert
macros, the report shows the loops SUM_X and SUM_Y reported Trip Count of 32 and 16.
Because the assertions assert that the values will never be greater than 32 and 16,
Vitis HLS can use this in the reporting.
* Loop Latency:
|Target II |Trip Count |Pipelined |
|- SUM_X |1 ~ 32 |no |
|- SUM_Y |1 ~ 16 |no |
In addition, and unlike using the tripcount
directive, the assert
statements can provide more
optimal hardware. In the case without assertions, the final hardware uses variables
and counters that are sized for a maximum of 256 loop iterations.
* Expression:
|Operation |Variable Name |DSP48E |FF |LUT |
|+ |X_accum_1_fu_182_p2 |0 |0 |13 |
|+ |Y_accum_1_fu_209_p2 |0 |0 |13 |
|+ |indvar_next6_fu_158_p2 |0 |0 |9 |
|+ |indvar_next_fu_194_p2 |0 |0 |9 |
|+ |tmp1_fu_172_p2 |0 |0 |9 |
|+ |tmp_fu_147_p2 |0 |0 |9 |
|icmp |exitcond1_fu_189_p2 |0 |0 |9 |
|icmp |exitcond_fu_153_p2 |0 |0 |9 |
|Total | |0 |0 |80 |
The code which asserts the variable ranges are smaller than the maximum possible range results in a smaller RTL design.
* Expression:
|Operation |Variable Name |DSP48E |FF |LUT |
|+ |X_accum_1_fu_176_p2 |0 |0 |13 |
|+ |Y_accum_1_fu_207_p2 |0 |0 |13 |
|+ |i_2_fu_158_p2 |0 |0 |6 |
|+ |i_3_fu_192_p2 |0 |0 |5 |
|icmp |tmp_2_fu_153_p2 |0 |0 |7 |
|icmp |tmp_9_fu_187_p2 |0 |0 |6 |
|Total | |0 |0 |50 |
Assertions can indicate the range of any variable in the design. It is important to execute a C/C++ simulation that covers all possible cases when using assertions. This will confirm that the assertions that Vitis HLS uses are valid.