Function Instantiation - 2020.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

Function instantiation is an optimization technique that has the area benefits of maintaining the function hierarchy but provides an additional powerful option: performing targeted local optimizations on specific instances of a function. This can simplify the control logic around the function call and potentially improve latency and throughput.

The FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE directive exploits the fact that some inputs to a function may be a constant value when the function is called and uses this to both simplify the surrounding control structures and produce smaller more optimized function blocks. This is best explained by example.

Given the following code:

void foo_sub(bool mode){
#pragma HLS FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE variable=mode
if (mode) {
     // code segment 1 
  } else {
     // code segment 2

void foo(){  
#pragma HLS FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE variable=select

It is clear that function foo_sub has been written to perform multiple but exclusive operations (depending on whether mode is true or not). Each instance of function foo_sub is implemented in an identical manner: this is great for function reuse and area optimization but means that the control logic inside the function must be more complex.

The FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE optimization allows each instance to be independently optimized, reducing the functionality and area. After FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE optimization, the code above can effectively be transformed to have two separate functions, each optimized for different possible values of mode, as shown:

void foo_sub1() {
  // code segment 1

void foo_sub1() {
  // code segment 2

void A(){

If the function is used at different levels of hierarchy such that function sharing is difficult without extensive inlining or code modifications, function instantiation can provide the best means of improving area: many small locally optimized copies are better than many large copies that cannot be shared.