Optimizing Burst Transfers - 2020.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

Overview of Burst Transfers

Bursting is an optimization that tries to intelligently aggregate your memory accesses to the DDR to maximize the throughput bandwidth and/or minimize the latency. Bursting is one of the many optimizations to the kernel. Bursting typically gives you a 4-5x improvement while other optimizations, like access widening or ensuring there are no dependencies through the DDR, can provide even bigger performance improvements. Typically, bursting is useful when you have contention on the DDR ports from multiple competing kernels.

Figure 1. AXI Protocol

The figure above shows how the AXI protocol works. The HLS kernel sends out a read request for a burst of length 8 and then sends a write request burst of length 8. The read latency is defined as the time taken between the sending of the read request burst to when the data from the first read request in the burst is received by the kernel. Similarly, the write latency is defined as the time taken between when data for the last write in the write burst is sent and the time the write acknowledgment is received by the kernel. Read requests are usually sent at the first available opportunity while write requests get queued until the data for each write in the burst becomes available.

To help you understand the various latencies that are possible in the system, the following figure shows what happens when an HLS kernel sends a burst to the DDR.

Figure 2. Burst Transaction Diagram

When your design makes a read/write request, the request is sent to the DDR through several specialized helper modules. First, the M-AXI adapter serves as a buffer for the requests created by the HLS kernel. The adapter contains logic to cut large bursts into smaller ones (which it needs to do to prevent hogging the channel or if the request crosses the 4 KB boundary, see Vivado Design Suite: AXI Reference Guide (UG1037)), and can also stall the sending of burst requests (depending on the maximum outstanding requests parameter) so that it can safely buffer the entirety of the data for each kernel. This can slightly increase write latency but can resolve deadlock due to concurrent requests (read or write) on the memory subsystem. You can configure the M-AXI interface to hold the write request until all data is available using config_interface -m_axi_conservative_mode.

Getting through the adapter will cost a few cycles of latency, typically 5 to 7 cycles. Then, the request goes to the AXI interconnect that routes the kernel’s request to the MIG and then eventually to the DDR. Getting through the interconnect is expensive in latency and can take around 30 cycles. Finally, getting to the DDR and back can cost anywhere from 9 to 14 cycles. These are not precise measurements of latency but rather estimates provided to show the relative latency cost of these specialized modules. For more precise measurements, you can test and observe these latencies using the Application Timeline report for your specific system.
Tip: For information about the Application Timeline report, see Application Timeline in the Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation (UG1416).

Another way to view the latencies in the system is as follows: the interconnect has an average II of 2 while the DDR controller has an average II of 4-5 cycles on requests (while on the data they are both II=1). The interconnect arbitration strategy is based on the size of read/write requests, and so data requested with longer burst lengths get prioritized over requests with shorter bursts (thus leading to a bigger channel bandwidth being allocated to longer bursts in case of contention). Of course, a large burst request has the side-effect of preventing anyone else from accessing the DDR, and therefore there must be a compromise between burst length and reducing DDR port contention. Fortunately, the large latencies help prevent some of this port contention, and effective pipelining of the requests can significantly improve the bandwidth throughput available in the system.

Burst Semantics

For a given kernel, the HLS compiler implements the burst analysis optimization as a multi-pass optimization, but on a per function basis. Bursting is only done for a function and bursting across functions is not supported. The burst optimizations are reported in the Synthesis Summary report, and missed burst opportunities are also reported to help you improve burst optimization.

At first, the HLS compiler looks for memory accesses in the basic blocks of the function, such as memory accesses in a sequential set of statements inside the function. Assuming the preconditions of bursting are met, each burst inferred in these basic blocks is referred to as region burst. The compiler will automatically scan the basic block to build the longest sequence of accesses into a single region burst.

The compiler then looks at loops and tries to infer what are known as loop bursts. A loop burst is the sequence of reads/writes across the iterations of a loop. The compiler tries to infer the length of the burst by analyzing the loop induction variable and the trip count of the loop. If the analysis is successful, the compiler can chain the sequences of reads/writes in each iteration of the loop into one long loop burst. The compiler today automatically infers a loop or a region burst, but there is no way to specifically request a loop or a region burst. The code needs to be written so as to cause the tool to infer the loop or region burst.

To understand the underlying semantics of bursting, consider the following code snippet:

for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i+=4) {
    out[4*i+0] = f(in[4*i+0]);
    out[4*i+1] = f(in[4*i+1]);
    out[4*i+2] = f(in[4*i+2]);
    out[4*i+3] = f(in[4*i+3]);

The code above is typically used to perform a series of reads from an array, and a series of writes to an array from within a loop. The code below is what Vitis HLS may infer after performing the burst analysis optimization. Alongside the actual array accesses, the compiler will additionally make the required read and write requests that are necessary for the user selected AXI protocol.

Loop Burst

/* requests can move anywhere in func */
rb = ReadReq(in, size); 
wb = WriteReq(out, size);
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i+=4) {
    Write(wb, 4*i+0) = f(Read(rb, 4*i+0));
    Write(wb, 4*i+1) = f(Read(rb, 4*i+1));
    Write(wb, 4*i+2) = f(Read(rb, 4*i+2));
    Write(wb, 4*i+3) = f(Read(rb, 4*i+3));

If the compiler can successfully deduce the burst length from the induction variable (size) and the trip count of the loop, it will infer one big loop burst and will move the ReadReq, WriteReq and WriteResp calls outside the loop, as shown in the Loop Burst code example. So, the read requests for all loop iterations are combined into one read request and all the write requests are combined into one write request. Note that all read requests are typically sent out immediately while write requests are only sent out after the data becomes available.

However, if any of the preconditions of bursting are not met, as described in Preconditions and Limitations of Burst Transfer, the compiler may not infer a loop burst but will instead try and infer a region burst where the ReadReq, WriteReg and WriteResp are alongside the read/write accesses being burst optimized, as shown in the Region Burst code example. In this case, the read and write requests for each loop iteration are combined into one read or write request.

Region Burst

for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i+=4) {
    rb = ReadReq(in+4*i, 4);
    wb = WriteReq(out+4*i, 4);
    Write(wb, 0) = f(Read(rb, 0));
    Write(wb, 1) = f(Read(rb, 1));
    Write(wb, 2) = f(Read(rb, 2));
    Write(wb, 3) = f(Read(rb, 3));