Customizing the Vitis HLS IDE Behavior - 2020.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

In some cases the default setting of the Vitis HLS IDE prevents certain information from being shown, or the defaults might not be suitable for your purposes. This section explains how the following features can be customized:

  • Console view buffer size.
  • Default key behaviors.

Customizing the Console View

The Console view displays the messages issued during operations such as synthesize and verification.

The default buffer size for this windows is 80,000 characters and can be changed, or the limit can be removed, to ensure all messages can be reviewed, by using menu Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Console.

Customizing the Key Behavior

The behavior of the Vitis HLS IDE can be customized using the menu Windows > Preferences and new user-defined tool settings saved.

The default setting for the key combination Ctrl + Tab, is to make the active tab in the Information area toggle between the source code and the header file. This is changed to make the Ctrl + Tab combination make each tab in turn the active tab.

  • In Preferences, sub-menu General > Keys allows Toggle Source/Header in the Command column to be selected and the Ctrl + Tab combination removed by using the Unbind Command button.
  • Selecting Next Tab in the Command column, placing the cursor in the Binding field and pressing the Ctrl key and then the Tab key, that causes the operation Ctrl + Tab to be associated with making the next tab active.

A find-next hot key can be implemented by using the Microsoft Visual Studio scheme. This can be performed using the menu Window > Preference > General > Keys and replace the Default scheme with the Microsoft Visual Studio scheme.

Reviewing the sub-menus in the Preferences dialog box allows every aspect of the Vitis HLS environment to be customized to ensure the highest levels of productivity.