When adding source files to your project,Vitis HLS offers an integrated view of GitHub repositories integrated into the tool. You can use this feature to work with your own repositories for managing source code for the project, or for linking to external repositories to download files for your design.
In the lower left corner of the Vitis HLS IDE, you will see the Git Repositories view.
Clone a repository using the following steps.
- Select the Clone a Git Repository
command. This opens the Clone Git
Repository wizard as shown in the following figure.
- In the Source Git
Repository page of the wizards, enter the following in for
URL: https://github.com/Xilinx/HLS-Tiny-Tutorials/tree/master
This sets up the Tiny Tutorials repository as described in Tutorials and Examples. Click Next to proceed.
- In the Branch Selection page, select the master branch of the repository, or another branch as appropriate. Click Next to proceed.
- In the Local Destination page, specify the Destination Directory where the repository will be cloned. Click Next to proceed.
At this time you should see the list of examples from the Tiny Tutorials repository. You can now use these files as source files for your own projects. You can also add an existing local repository to the Vitis HLS GUI, or create a new repository to help you manage projects.