Default Interfaces for Vitis Kernel Flow - 2020.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

The Vitis kernel flow provides support for compiled kernel objects (.xo) for control by the Xilinx Run Time (XRT) and integration with a host application. This flow has very specific interface requirements that Vitis HLS must meet. This flow implements the following interfaces by default:

  • Scalar inputs: AXI4-Lite interface (s_axilite)
  • Pointers to an Array: AXI4 memory mapped interface (m_axi) to access the memory, and thes_axilite interface to receive the offset into the memory address space.
  • Arguments specified as hls::stream: AXI4-Stream interface (axis)
  • Function Return: ap_return port added to the s_axilite interface
  • Block Protocol: ap_ctrl_chain specified on the s_axilite interface.

The s_axilite interface is special in the Vitis kernel flow. It handles the input of scalar arguments from the software function into the kernel as well as any function return value; but it also specifies offsets for m_axi interfaces and handles the block control protocol.

The sum_io function in the following code provides an example of interface synthesis.

#include "sum_io.h"

dout_t sum_io(din_t in1, din_t in2, dio_t *sum) {

 dout_t temp;

 *sum = in1 + in2 + *sum;
 temp = in1 + in2;

 return  temp;

The sum_io function includes:

  • Two pass-by-value inputs: in1 and in2.
  • A pointer: sum that is both read from and written to.
  • A function return assigned the value of temp.

With the default interface synthesis settings used by Vitis HLS for the Vivado IP flow, the design is synthesized into an RTL block with the ports and interfaces shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. RTL Ports After Default Interface Synthesis

In the default Vitis kernel flow the tool creates three types of interface ports on the RTL design to handle the flow of both data and control.

  • Clock, Reset, and Interrupt ports: ap_clk and ap_rst_n and interrupt are added to the kernel.
  • AXI4-Lite interface: s_axi_control interface to handle data values for scalar arguments in1 and in2, and to handle the function return value. The interface is expanded to show the various ports associated with it.
  • AXI4 memory mapped interface: m_axi_gmem interface to handle the sum argument.
  • Block-Level interface protocol: The default ap_ctrl_chain protocol is associated with the s_axi_control interface.