After synthesis completes, Vitis HLS automatically creates synthesis reports to help you understand the performance of the implementation. Examples of these reports include the Synthesis Summary report, Schedule Viewer, and Dataflow Viewer. You can view these reports from the Analysis perspective in the Vitis HLS IDE.
Open the Analysis perspective by clicking Analysis in the upper right corner of the Vitis HLS IDE. The Analysis perspective is provided as a place to view different elements of your project to evaluate the results of synthesis and the performance of your current solution.
By default, the Analysis perspective opens with the Schedule Viewer displayed. As shown in the following figure the Analysis perspective includes multiple windows and views:
- Schedule Viewer
- Shows each operation and control step of the function, and the clock cycle that it executes in.
- Module Hierarchy
- Shows the function hierarchy and the performance characteristics of the current hierarchy.
- Performance Profile
- Shows the Loops from the top-level function without any performance information.
- Resource Profile
- Shows the resource usage of different elements of the synthesized function.
- Properties view
- Shows the properties of the currently selected control step or operation in the Schedule Viewer.
The Module Hierarchy view provides an overview of the entire RTL design. You can use this view to quickly navigate the hierarchy of the RTL design.
- The Module Hierarchy view shows the resources and latency contribution for each block in the RTL hierarchy.
- The Module Hierarchy indicates directly any II or timing violation. In case of timing violations, the hierarchy window will also show the total negative slack observed in a specific module.
The Performance Profile view provides details on the performance of the block currently selected in the Module Hierarchy view.
- Performance is measured in terms of latency and the initiation interval.
- This view also includes details on whether the block was pipelined or not.
The Resource Profile view shows the resources used at the selected level of hierarchy, and shows the control state of the operations used.