Overview of the Vitis HLS IDE - 2020.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

The toolbar menu shown below provides access to the primary commands for using Vitis HLS. The main menu provides access to all available commands for creating and managing designs. Each of the buttons on the toolbar menu has an equivalent command in the main menu.

Tip: Project control ensures that only commands that can be currently executed are highlighted. For example, synthesis must be performed before C/RTL co-simulation can be executed.
Figure 1. Vitis HLS Toolbar and Main Menus

In the toolbar menu, the buttons are (from left to right):

Open Project
Opens a file browser to let you locate and open an HLS project.
The drop-down menu also provides access to the New File command, which lets you create a new file to open in the text editor.
Solution Settings
Opens the Solution Settings dialog box to modify the settings of the active solution.
The drop-down menu also provides access to:
  • Project Settings to let you configure the settings of the open project.
  • New Solution to let you define a new solution for the open project.
C Synthesis
Starts C source code to RTL synthesis in Vitis HLS as described in Synthesizing the Code. The drop-down menu provides a process overview of Vitis HLS, including:
Open Analysis Viewer
Displays various analysis reports when they have been generated during simulation, synthesis, or C/RTL co-simulation.
The drop-down menu also provides access to:
  • Open Pre-Synthesis Control Flow to display the Pre-Synthesis Control Flow report when it has been generated during simulation.
  • Open Dataflow View to display the Dataflow Viewer report when it has been generated during C/RTL co-simulation.
  • Open Schedule Viewer when the Schedule Viewer has been generated during C synthesis.
Open Report
Displays the report generated during C synthesis.
The drop-down menu also provides access to:
  • Synthesis to display the report generated during C synthesis.
  • Co-Simulation to display the report generated during C/RTL co-simulation.
  • Export RTL to display the report generated while exporting the RTL.
Open Wave Viewer
Displays the Waveform Viewer when the C/RTL Co-simulation includes the waveform from the Vivado simulator.

In addition, Vitis HLS IDE provides three perspectives. When you select a perspective, the windows automatically adjust to a more suitable layout for the selected task.

  • The Debug perspective opens the C debugger.
  • The Synthesis perspective is the default perspective and arranges the windows for performing synthesis.
  • The Analysis perspective is used after synthesis completes to analyze the design in detail.