Compiling PL Kernels for Software Emulation - 2023.2 English

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

Compiling a PL kernel for use in the software emulation flow requires the v++ -c -k form of the command. Use the following command line as an example to build the software emulation target:

v++ -t sw_emu --platform xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1 -c -k vadd \
-I'./src' -o'vadd.sw_emu.xo' ./src/vadd.cpp

The following list details the options specified in the command shown above, as described in v++ General Options:

  • -t <arg>: Specifies the build target as software emulation (sw_emu)
  • -c: Compile the kernel. Required. The kernel must be compiled (-c) and linked (-l) in two separate steps
  • --platform <arg>: Specifies the target platform to compile the PL kernel for. The platform must match the platform specified n the v++ --link command
  • -k <arg>: Name of the PL kernel associated with the source files
  • -o <arg>: Specify the output file .xo for the compiler
  • <input_file>: Can be specified as a positional argument on the command line, or using the --input option