Best Practices for Kernel Development - 2024.1 English

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.1 English

You have reviewed some basic understanding of the Alveo accelerator card and its key components, how the data moves between the CPU and Alveo card. You have also been exposed to the recommended guidelines for creating Vitis applications. This section will cover more in-depth topics that are key concepts of coding using Vitis HLS.

Mapping Function Arguments to HW Interfaces

The Vitis HLS tool automatically assigns interface ports for the arguments of your C/C++ kernel function. These function arguments are of either scalar or pointer/array types. The parameters from the host are written directly to the registers of the accelerators. The buffers are kept external in the global memory and the accelerator reads and writes from this global memory.

The scalar type function arguments are used for parameters and the pointer or array type arguments are used for accessing global memory. The Vitis HLS implements these interface ports as AXI Protocol. Refer to Introduction to AXI for more information on this interface protocol.

Load - Compute - Store

The algorithm should be structured as load-compute-store with communications channels in between as shown below.

Figure 1. Load-Compute-Store Pattern
  • The load function is responsible for moving data into the kernel from the device memory. This function does not perform any data processing but focuses on efficient data transfers, including buffering and caching if necessary.
  • The compute function, as its name suggests, is where all the processing is done. At this stage of the development flow, the internal structure of the compute function is not important.
  • The store function mirrors the load function. It is responsible for moving data out of the kernel, taking the results of the compute function, and transferring them to global memory outside the kernel.

The developer needs to code memory accesses in a way to minimize the overhead of global memory accesses, which means maximizing the use of consecutive accesses so that bursting can be inferred. The burst access hides the memory access latency and improves the memory bandwidth.

Additionally, the maximum data width from the global memory to and from the kernel is 512 bits. To maximize the data transfer rate, it is recommended that you use this full data width. By default in the Vitis kernel flow the Vitis HLS tool automatically re-sizes the kernel interface ports up to 512-bits to improve burst access.

Creating a load-compute-store structure that meets the performance goals starts by engineering the flow of data within the kernel. Some factors to consider are:

  • How does the data flow from outside the kernel into the kernel?
  • How fast does the kernel need to process this data?
  • How is the processed data written to the output of the kernel?

Load-Compute and Compute-Store communicate over the streaming channel. Streaming is a type of data transfer in which data samples are sent in sequential order starting from the first sample. Streaming requires no address management and can be implemented with FIFOs. As soon as sufficient data is available for the compute function, the computation can start. Similarly, as soon as the data is available for the Store function, the data can be sent to the DDR over the AXI4 Master interface.

Example - Dataflow using FIFOs

Task Level Parallelism

The developer needs to assess the algorithm and determine how task-level parallelism can be accomplished. This type of parallelism can be enabled in two dimensions.

  1. The tasks can execute in an overlapping fashion with each other. In other words, Compute functions can start based on the data availability and don't require the previous function to finish first. With the data flow enabled, the tool will infer this type of parallelism.
  2. The task can restart itself within a given time, called the "Transaction Interval." In other words, the next invocation of the same compute function can be restarted before its previous invocation is completely done. The Vitis tool provides the compiler directive for the performance target for any loop. When this directive is added, the compiler will automatically do the necessary transformations or combinations of transformations like partitioning the arrays, unrolling the nested loops, or pipeline the loops to meet the "Target Interval" goal.
For more information on function and loop pipelining, loop unrolling, and array partitioning, see Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399).

Verifying Functional Correctness of the Kernel

When using the Vitis HLS design flow, it is time-consuming to synthesize functionally incorrect C code and then analyze the implementation details to determine why the function does not perform as expected. Therefore, the first step in high-level synthesis should be to validate that the C function is correct, before generating RTL code, by performing C-simulation using a well-written test bench. Writing a good test bench can greatly increase your productivity, as C functions execute in orders of magnitude faster than RTL simulations. Using C to develop and validate the algorithm before synthesis is much faster than developing and debugging RTL code. The same C-based test bench can be used to run C/RTL co-simulation to automatically verify the RTL design generated.

For further review of this subject, see Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399), which includes the following material:
  • Writing a Test Bench
  • Verifying Code with C Simulation
  • C/RTL Co-Simulation
  • The Vitis HLS Analysis and Optimization Tutorial will work through the Vitis HLS tool GUI to build, analyze, and optimize a hardware kernel.
  • Review the checklist in Best Practices for Designing with M_AXI for best practices to use when designing interfaces for your application.