signals. In the Configuration tab
of TG GUI , the Enable Parity
option is used for enabling or disabling the parity generator. On enabling this option, you
see two additional options in the GUI, Number of Data
Bits per Parity Bit and Number of
Address bits per Parity Bit as shown in the following picture.For example, if AXI Address Width = 48 and Number of Address bits per parity bit = 8, then,
Number of Address parity bits = AXI Address Width / Number of Address bits per parity bit = 6 bits.
These bits are appended with awuser
and aruser
bits as
per the following table.
If AXI Data Width = 512 and Number of Data bits per parity bit = 8, then,
Number of Data parity bits = AXI Data Width / Number of Data bits per parity bit = 64 bits
These will be appended to the wuser
bits as per the
following table. The parity is only generated from the TG and there is no parity check for
the read channel.
AXI Bus | Enabled | Disabled |
18 2 bits reserved (0s) 6 bits parity 10 bits user data |
16 6 bits reserved (0s) 10 bits user data |
18 2 bits reserved (0s) 6 bits parity 10 bits user data |
16 6 bits reserved (0s) 10 bits user data |
2*(AXI_DATA_BUS_WIDTH/8) Parity bits in odd bit positions. Poison bits in even positions. |
16 16 bits reserved (0s) |