Incremental ID (Out-of-Order) Traffic - 1.0 English

Performance AXI Traffic Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG381)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

In Incremental ID mode, TGs can use unique AXI IDs per transaction while managing data integrity checks. The following table demonstrates the combinations of AXI ID bus width, the number of unique AXI IDs that can be supported and the maximum number of outstanding responses per AXI ID in this operating mode. TGs can also use a fixed AXI ID but the maximum number of outstanding responses is significantly reduced when compared to Constant ID operating mode.

Table 1. AXI ID Width and Outstanding Response Combinations
AXI ID Width Max. Number of IDs Max. Outstanding Response per ID
4 16 8
3 8 16
2 4 32
1 2 64

The following additional conditions apply when operating in this mode:

  • The maximum number of outstanding requests that are supported at any given time is 128.
  • The traffic generated by the TG stops if the outstanding response count per ID reaches (128/<Number of IDs>)-1.
  • It is possible to use a fixed AXI ID, but with reduced outstanding transaction counts when compared to Constant ID mode.
  • Reading from unwritten locations causes the data integrity check to fail.