HDMI 2.1 Transmitter Subsystem v1.2 Product Guide (PG350)

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1.2 English

This interrupt is triggered every time the HDMI PHY Controller /HDMI GT Subsystem is reconfigured and the output clock is stabilized and ready for the HDMI 2.1 TX Subsystem to transmit a video stream.

The callback function must perform the following:

  1. Set the HDMI 2.1 TX Subsystem to run at the corresponding mode
    • FRL
    • TMDS_DVI
  2. Configure cable driver with the correct setting based on the required line rate.
  3. If the HDMI 2.1 TX Subsystem is running in TMDS mode, enable the TX TMDS clock by calling the HDMI PHY Controller /HDMI GT Subsystem API:
    void XHdmiphy1_Clkout1OBufTdsEnable(XHdmiphy1 *InstancePtr,
                                        XHdmiphy1_DirectionType Dir,
                                        u8 Enable);
  4. Set the HDMI 2.1 TX Subsystem Sampling Rate with the HDMI PHY Controller /HDMI GT Subsystem TX sampling rate.
    void XV_HdmiTxSs1_SetSamplingRate(XV_HdmiTxSs1 *InstancePtr,
                                      u8 SamplingRate);