AXI4-Stream can only support resolutions with video timing (HActive) divisible by PPC (4 or 8) and native video interface can only support resolutions with video timings (HActive,HSync,HTotal) divisible by PPC (4). To extend support to resolutions with video timing not divisible by PPC, the Native Video (Vectored Date Enable (DE)) interface can be used. The following table shows the signals. The data width is user-configurable in the Vivado IDE by setting Max Bits Per Component (BPC) and Number of Pixels Per Clock on Video Interface (PPC).
Name | I/O | Width | Description |
video_clk 1 | I | 1 | Video clock |
video_de_arb | I | PPC | Active video |
video_data_arb | I | video_data_width 3 | Data |
video_hs_arb | I | PPC | Horizontal sync |
video_vs_arb | I | PPC | Vertical sync |
Important: In Native/Native
(Vectored DE) interface, you should send the video data on
, when video_cke_out
is high.This
will gate the video clock to adjust for the correct pixel clock rate of video