FIFO_SYNC_MACRO - 2021.2 English - UG953

Vivado Design Suite 7 Series FPGA and Zynq-7000 SoC Libraries Guide (UG953)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Macro: Synchronous First-In, First-Out (FIFO) RAM Buffer


FPGA devices contain several block RAM memories that can be configured as general-purpose 36 Kb or 18 Kb RAM/ROM memories. Dedicated logic in the block RAM enables you to easily implement FIFOs. The FIFO can be configured as an 18 Kb or 36 Kb memory. This unimacro configures the FIFO such that it uses one clock for reading as well as writing.

Port Descriptions

Port Direction Width Function
ALMOSTEMPTY Output 1 Almost all valid entries in FIFO have been read.
ALMOSTFULL Output 1 Almost all entries in FIFO memory have been filled.
DO Output See Port Configuration table. Data output bus addressed by ADDR.
EMPTY Output 1 FIFO is empty.
FULL Output 1 All entries in FIFO memory are filled.
RDCOUNT Output See Port Configuration table. FIFO data read pointer.
RDERR Output 1 When the FIFO is empty, any additional read operation generates an error flag.
WRCOUNT Output See Port Configuration table. FIFO data write pointer.
WRERR Output 1 When the FIFO is full, any additional write operation generates an error flag.
CLK Input 1 Clock for Read/Write domain operation.
DI Input See Port Configuration table. Data input bus addressed by ADDR.
RDEN Input 1 Read Enable
RST Input 1 Asynchronous reset.
WREN Input 1 Write Enable

Port Configuration

This unimacro is a parameterizable version of the primitive, and can be instantiated only. Use this table to correctly configure the unimacro to meet design needs.
72 - 37 36 Kb 9 9
36 - 19 36 Kb 10 10
18 Kb 9 9
18 - 10 36 Kb 11 11
18 Kb 10 10
9-5 36 Kb 12 12
18 Kb 11 11
1-4 36 Kb 13 13
18 Kb 12 12

Design Entry Method

This unimacro is a parameterizable version of the primitive, and can be instantiated only. Consult the Port Configuration section to correctly configure this element to meet your design needs.
Instantiation Yes
Inference No
IP Catalog No
Macro support Recommended

Available Attributes

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
ALMOST_EMPTY _OFFSET HEX 13-bit HEX All zeros Setting determines the difference between EMPTY and ALMOSTEMPTY conditions. Must be set using hexadecimal notation.
ALMOST_FULL _OFFSET HEX 13-bit HEX All zeros Setting determines the difference between FULL and ALMOSTFULL conditions. Must be set using hexadecimal notation.
DATA_WIDTH INTEGER 1 - 72 4 Width of DI/DO bus.
DEVICE STRING "7SERIES" "7SERIES" Target hardware architecture.

DO_REG must be set to 0 for flags and data to follow a standard synchronous FIFO operation.

When DO_REG is set to 1, effectively a pipeline register is added to the output of the synchronous FIFO. Data then has a one clock cycle latency. However, the clock-to-out timing is improved.

FIFO_SIZE STRING "18Kb", "36Kb" "18Kb" Configures FIFO as "18Kb" or "36Kb" memory.

VHDL Instantiation Template

Unless they already exist, copy the following four statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
library UNIMACRO;
use unimacro.Vcomponents.all;

-- FIFO_SYNC_MACRO: Synchronous First-In, First-Out (FIFO) RAM Buffer
--                  7 Series
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2

-- Note -  This Unimacro model assumes the port directions to be "downto".
--         Simulation of this model with "to" in the port directions could lead to erroneous results.

-- ===========|===========|============|=======================--
--   37-72    |  "36Kb"   |     512    |         9-bit         --
--   19-36    |  "36Kb"   |    1024    |        10-bit         --
--   19-36    |  "18Kb"   |     512    |         9-bit         --
--   10-18    |  "36Kb"   |    2048    |        11-bit         --
--   10-18    |  "18Kb"   |    1024    |        10-bit         --
--    5-9     |  "36Kb"   |    4096    |        12-bit         --
--    5-9     |  "18Kb"   |    2048    |        11-bit         --
--    1-4     |  "36Kb"   |    8192    |        13-bit         --
--    1-4     |  "18Kb"   |    4096    |        12-bit         --

generic map (
   DEVICE => "7SERIES",            -- Target Device: "VIRTEX5, "VIRTEX6", "7SERIES"
   ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET => X"0080",  -- Sets almost full threshold
   ALMOST_EMPTY_OFFSET => X"0080", -- Sets the almost empty threshold
   DATA_WIDTH => 0,   -- Valid values are 1-72 (37-72 only valid when FIFO_SIZE="36Kb")
   FIFO_SIZE => "18Kb")            -- Target BRAM, "18Kb" or "36Kb"
port map (
   ALMOSTEMPTY => ALMOSTEMPTY,   -- 1-bit output almost empty
   ALMOSTFULL => ALMOSTFULL,     -- 1-bit output almost full
   DO => DO,                     -- Output data, width defined by DATA_WIDTH parameter
   EMPTY => EMPTY,               -- 1-bit output empty
   FULL => FULL,                 -- 1-bit output full
   RDCOUNT => RDCOUNT,           -- Output read count, width determined by FIFO depth
   RDERR => RDERR,               -- 1-bit output read error
   WRCOUNT => WRCOUNT,           -- Output write count, width determined by FIFO depth
   WRERR => WRERR,               -- 1-bit output write error
   CLK => CLK,                   -- 1-bit input clock
   DI => DI,                     -- Input data, width defined by DATA_WIDTH parameter
   RDEN => RDEN,                 -- 1-bit input read enable
   RST => RST,                   -- 1-bit input reset
   WREN => WREN                  -- 1-bit input write enable
-- End of FIFO_SYNC_MACRO_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// FIFO_SYNC_MACRO: Synchronous First-In, First-Out (FIFO) RAM Buffer
//                  7 Series
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2

// ===========|===========|============|=======================//
//   37-72    |  "36Kb"   |     512    |         9-bit         //
//   19-36    |  "36Kb"   |    1024    |        10-bit         //
//   19-36    |  "18Kb"   |     512    |         9-bit         //
//   10-18    |  "36Kb"   |    2048    |        11-bit         //
//   10-18    |  "18Kb"   |    1024    |        10-bit         //
//    5-9     |  "36Kb"   |    4096    |        12-bit         //
//    5-9     |  "18Kb"   |    2048    |        11-bit         //
//    1-4     |  "36Kb"   |    8192    |        13-bit         //
//    1-4     |  "18Kb"   |    4096    |        12-bit         //

   .DEVICE("7SERIES"), // Target Device: "7SERIES"
   .ALMOST_EMPTY_OFFSET(9'h080), // Sets the almost empty threshold
   .ALMOST_FULL_OFFSET(9'h080),  // Sets almost full threshold
   .DATA_WIDTH(0), // Valid values are 1-72 (37-72 only valid when FIFO_SIZE="36Kb")
   .DO_REG(0),     // Optional output register (0 or 1)
   .FIFO_SIZE ("18Kb")  // Target BRAM: "18Kb" or "36Kb"
   .ALMOSTEMPTY(ALMOSTEMPTY), // 1-bit output almost empty
   .ALMOSTFULL(ALMOSTFULL),   // 1-bit output almost full
   .DO(DO),                   // Output data, width defined by DATA_WIDTH parameter
   .EMPTY(EMPTY),             // 1-bit output empty
   .FULL(FULL),               // 1-bit output full
   .RDCOUNT(RDCOUNT),         // Output read count, width determined by FIFO depth
   .RDERR(RDERR),             // 1-bit output read error
   .WRCOUNT(WRCOUNT),         // Output write count, width determined by FIFO depth
   .WRERR(WRERR),             // 1-bit output write error
   .CLK(CLK),                 // 1-bit input clock
   .DI(DI),                   // Input data, width defined by DATA_WIDTH parameter
   .RDEN(RDEN),               // 1-bit input read enable
   .RST(RST),                 // 1-bit input reset
   .WREN(WREN)                // 1-bit input write enable

// End of FIFO_SYNC_MACRO_inst instantiation