Primitive: Output First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Buffer
The Output FIFO is a new resource located next to the I/O. This dedicated hardware is designed to help transition the data from fabric to the I/O, ODDR or OSERDESE2. It has two basic modes the first is a 4x4 mode where the data coming into the FIFO goes out at the same rate. The second mode is a 8x4 mode where the data coming out is serialized by a factor of 2. In other words, in 8x4 mode 8-bits go to the OUT_FIFO and 4-bits come out.
The Output FIFO is a new resource located next to the I/O. This dedicated hardware is designed to help transition the data from fabric to the I/O, ODDR or OSERDESE2. It has two basic modes the first is a 4x4 mode where the data coming into the FIFO goes out at the same rate. The second mode is a 8x4 mode where the data coming out is serialized by a factor of 2. In other words in 8x4 mode, 8-bits go to the OUT_FIFO and 4-bits come out. Features of this component include:
- Array dimensions: 80 wide, 8 deep (8x4 mode); 40 wide, 8 deep (4x4 mode)
- Empty and Full flags
- Programmable Almost Empty and Almost Full flags
Port Descriptions
Port | Type | Width | Function |
ALMOSTEMPTY | Output | 1 | Active-High output flag indicating the FIFO is almost empty. The threshold of the almost empty flag is set by the ALMOST_EMPTY_VALUE attribute. |
ALMOSTFULL | Output | 1 | Active-High output flag indicating the FIFO is almost full. The threshold of the almost empty flag is set by the ALMOST_FULL_VALUE attribute. |
D0<7:0> | Input | 8 | Channel 0 input bus. |
D1<7:0> | Input | 8 | Channel 1 input bus. |
D2<7:0> | Input | 8 | Channel 2 input bus. |
D3<7:0> | Input | 8 | Channel 3 input bus. |
D4<7:0> | Input | 8 | Channel 4 input bus. |
D5<7:0> | Input | 8 | Channel 5 input bus. |
D6<7:0> | Input | 8 | Channel 6 input bus. |
D7<7:0> | Input | 8 | Channel 7 input bus. |
D8<7:0> | Input | 8 | Channel 8 input bus. |
D9<7:0> | Input | 8 | Channel 9 input bus. |
EMPTY | Output | 1 | Active-High output flag indicating the FIFO is empty. |
FULL | Output | 1 | Active-High output flag indicating the FIFO is full. |
Q0<3:0> | Output | 4 | Channel 0 output bus. |
Q1<3:0> | Output | 4 | Channel 1 output bus. |
Q2<3:0> | Output | 4 | Channel 2 output bus. |
Q3<3:0> | Output | 4 | Channel 3 output bus. |
Q4<3:0> | Output | 4 | Channel 4 output bus. |
Q5<7:0> | Output | 8 | Channel 5 output bus. |
Q6<7:0> | Output | 8 | Channel 6 output bus. |
Q7<3:0> | Output | 4 | Channel 7 output bus. |
Q8<3:0> | Output | 4 | Channel 8 output bus. |
Q9<3:0> | Output | 4 | Channel 9 output bus. |
RDCLK | Input | 1 | Read clock. |
RDEN | Input | 1 | Active-High read enable. |
RESET | Input | 1 | Active-High asynchronous reset. |
WRCLK | Input | 1 | Write clock. |
WREN | Input | 1 | Active-High write enable. |
Design Entry Method
Instantiation | Yes |
Inference | No |
IP Catalog | Yes |
Macro support | No |
Available Attributes
Attribute | Type | Allowed Values | Default | Description |
ALMOST_EMPTY _VALUE | DECIMAL | 1, 2 | 1 | Specifies the number of entries left before asserting the ALMOSTEMPTY output signal. |
ALMOST_FULL _VALUE | DECIMAL | 1, 2 | 1 | Specifies the number of entries left before asserting the ALMOSTFULL output signal. |
ARRAY_MODE | STRING | "ARRAY_MODE_8_X_4", "ARRAY_MODE_4_X_4" | "ARRAY_MODE _8_X_4" | Specifies serializer mode:
OUTPUT _DISABLE | STRING | "FALSE", "TRUE" | "FALSE" | Disable output. |
SYNCHRONOUS _MODE | STRING | "FALSE" | "FALSE" | Must always be set to false. |
VHDL Instantiation Template
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- OUT_FIFO: Output First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Buffer
-- 7 Series
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2
generic map (
ALMOST_EMPTY_VALUE => 1, -- Almost empty offset (1-2)
ALMOST_FULL_VALUE => 1, -- Almost full offset (1-2)
OUTPUT_DISABLE => "FALSE", -- Disable output (FALSE, TRUE)
SYNCHRONOUS_MODE => "FALSE" -- Must always be set to false.
port map (
-- FIFO Status Flags: 1-bit (each) output: Flags and other FIFO status outputs
ALMOSTEMPTY => ALMOSTEMPTY, -- 1-bit output: Almost empty flag
ALMOSTFULL => ALMOSTFULL, -- 1-bit output: Almost full flag
EMPTY => EMPTY, -- 1-bit output: Empty flag
FULL => FULL, -- 1-bit output: Full flag
-- Q0-Q9: 4-bit (each) output: FIFO Outputs
Q0 => Q0, -- 4-bit output: Channel 0 output bus
Q1 => Q1, -- 4-bit output: Channel 1 output bus
Q2 => Q2, -- 4-bit output: Channel 2 output bus
Q3 => Q3, -- 4-bit output: Channel 3 output bus
Q4 => Q4, -- 4-bit output: Channel 4 output bus
Q5 => Q5, -- 8-bit output: Channel 5 output bus
Q6 => Q6, -- 8-bit output: Channel 6 output bus
Q7 => Q7, -- 4-bit output: Channel 7 output bus
Q8 => Q8, -- 4-bit output: Channel 8 output bus
Q9 => Q9, -- 4-bit output: Channel 9 output bus
-- D0-D9: 8-bit (each) input: FIFO inputs
D0 => D0, -- 8-bit input: Channel 0 input bus
D1 => D1, -- 8-bit input: Channel 1 input bus
D2 => D2, -- 8-bit input: Channel 2 input bus
D3 => D3, -- 8-bit input: Channel 3 input bus
D4 => D4, -- 8-bit input: Channel 4 input bus
D5 => D5, -- 8-bit input: Channel 5 input bus
D6 => D6, -- 8-bit input: Channel 6 input bus
D7 => D7, -- 8-bit input: Channel 7 input bus
D8 => D8, -- 8-bit input: Channel 8 input bus
D9 => D9, -- 8-bit input: Channel 9 input bus
-- FIFO Control Signals: 1-bit (each) input: Clocks, Resets and Enables
RDCLK => RDCLK, -- 1-bit input: Read clock
RDEN => RDEN, -- 1-bit input: Read enable
RESET => RESET, -- 1-bit input: Active high reset
WRCLK => WRCLK, -- 1-bit input: Write clock
WREN => WREN -- 1-bit input: Write enable
-- End of OUT_FIFO_inst instantiation
Verilog Instantiation Template
// OUT_FIFO: Output First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Buffer
// 7 Series
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2
.ALMOST_EMPTY_VALUE(1), // Almost empty offset (1-2)
.ALMOST_FULL_VALUE(1), // Almost full offset (1-2)
.OUTPUT_DISABLE("FALSE"), // Disable output (FALSE, TRUE)
.SYNCHRONOUS_MODE("FALSE") // Must always be set to false.
OUT_FIFO_inst (
// FIFO Status Flags: 1-bit (each) output: Flags and other FIFO status outputs
.ALMOSTEMPTY(ALMOSTEMPTY), // 1-bit output: Almost empty flag
.ALMOSTFULL(ALMOSTFULL), // 1-bit output: Almost full flag
.EMPTY(EMPTY), // 1-bit output: Empty flag
.FULL(FULL), // 1-bit output: Full flag
// Q0-Q9: 4-bit (each) output: FIFO Outputs
.Q0(Q0), // 4-bit output: Channel 0 output bus
.Q1(Q1), // 4-bit output: Channel 1 output bus
.Q2(Q2), // 4-bit output: Channel 2 output bus
.Q3(Q3), // 4-bit output: Channel 3 output bus
.Q4(Q4), // 4-bit output: Channel 4 output bus
.Q5(Q5), // 8-bit output: Channel 5 output bus
.Q6(Q6), // 8-bit output: Channel 6 output bus
.Q7(Q7), // 4-bit output: Channel 7 output bus
.Q8(Q8), // 4-bit output: Channel 8 output bus
.Q9(Q9), // 4-bit output: Channel 9 output bus
// D0-D9: 8-bit (each) input: FIFO inputs
.D0(D0), // 8-bit input: Channel 0 input bus
.D1(D1), // 8-bit input: Channel 1 input bus
.D2(D2), // 8-bit input: Channel 2 input bus
.D3(D3), // 8-bit input: Channel 3 input bus
.D4(D4), // 8-bit input: Channel 4 input bus
.D5(D5), // 8-bit input: Channel 5 input bus
.D6(D6), // 8-bit input: Channel 6 input bus
.D7(D7), // 8-bit input: Channel 7 input bus
.D8(D8), // 8-bit input: Channel 8 input bus
.D9(D9), // 8-bit input: Channel 9 input bus
// FIFO Control Signals: 1-bit (each) input: Clocks, Resets and Enables
.RDCLK(RDCLK), // 1-bit input: Read clock
.RDEN(RDEN), // 1-bit input: Read enable
.RESET(RESET), // 1-bit input: Active high reset
.WRCLK(WRCLK), // 1-bit input: Write clock
.WREN(WREN) // 1-bit input: Write enable
// End of OUT_FIFO_inst instantiation
Related Information
- See the 7 Series FPGA SelectIO Resources User Guide (UG471).