Vitis Toolchain Settings - 2020.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

The toolchain settings provide a standard Eclipse-based view of the project, providing all options for the C/C++ build in the Vitis IDE.

From the Build Configuration Settings dialog box, click Edit Toolchain Compiler Settings or Edit Toolchain Linker Settings to bring up the compiler and linker Settings dialog box containing all of the C/C++ build settings. This dialog box lets you set standard C++ paths, include paths, libraries, project wide defines, and host defines.

Figure 1. Toolchain Settings

The contents of the Toolchain Settings dialog box depends on the specific Build Configuration dialog box you launched it from. You can launch it from the host application project, the hardware kernels project, or the hw_link project. The specific settings available include the following:

Specify the command line options for emconfigutil Utility. See emconfigutil Settings.
GCC Host Compiler
Specify g++ linker arguments that must be passed during the host compilation process. See G++ Host Compiler and Linker Settings.
GCC Host Linker
Specify g++ linker arguments that must be passed during the host linking process. See G++ Host Compiler and Linker Settings.
V++ Kernel Compiler
Specify the v++command and any additional options that must be passed when calling the v++ command for the kernel compilation process. See V++ Compiler and Linker Settings.
V++ Kernel Linker
Specify the v++ command and any additional options to be passed when calling the v++ command for the kernel linking process. See V++ Compiler and Linker Settings.