Running an Acceleration Application on the Board - 2020.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

If you are using the common Linux components that are provided by Xilinx perform the following to run an acceleration application on the platform:

  1. To the SD card, write the sd_card.img generated by the Vitis compiler command v++ --package.
  2. Boot the board.
  3. Run the command cd /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1/.
  4. Run the command source
  5. Run acceleration application. For example, for vector addition, run ./vadd ./binary_container_1.xclbin.

Acceleration application uses Xilinx Runtime (XRT) to communicate with acceleration kernels. To set up the environment for XRT, run This command does the following:

  • It sets the environment variable XILINX_XRT to /usr to allow the application to find the XRT environment.
  • It copies platform_desc.txt to /etc/xocl.txt to inform XRT which platform it is running on.
Note: This was done automatically for embedded platforms in the 2019.2 release of Vitis. Because automatically running may introduce security breaches, common Linux rootfs did no run by default.
Note: If the sd_card.img file has already been written to the SD card and you are only updating the application, you can save time in the debugging phase by copying all files from <Vitis System Project>/Hardware/package/sd_card to FAT32 partition on SD card to replace existing files. The Ext4 partition does not change in sd_card.img.