Special Considerations for Embedded Platform Creation - 2020.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

Divide Logic Functions to Platform and Kernel

While the designs on FPGA and SoC are getting more complex, it is common for multiple developers or teams to work on a design together. The Vitis software platform provides a clear boundary for application developers and platform developers. Platform developers might include board developers, BSP developers, system software developers, and so on.

In the view of a system architect, some logic functions might be in a gray area: they can be packaged grouped with platforms, or they can work as an acceleration kernel. To help divide the system blocks, here are some general guidelines.

  • The basic consideration for classifying a function as a kernel or platform is whether it is an application-related logic.
  • Platforms should be more stable than applications. Application function changes should only happen in the software and kernel.
  • Platforms abstract hardware. When changing a hardware board, the application should need no change, or very little change if necessary, to target to the new hardware.
  • Follow constraints and limitations of the Vitis tool. For example:
    • Only three types of interfaces are supported by Vitis acceleration kernels: AXI MM, AXI4-Lite, and AXI4-Stream.
    • AXI Kernel does not support external I/O pins.

The following table shows the recommended platforms and kernels for logic types.

Logic Platform Kernel
Hard Processors (PS of Zynq and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC) Only in Platform  
Soft Processors Preferred in Platform OK as an RTL kernel
I/O Block (External pins, MIPI, PHY, etc.) Only in Platform  
Related IP for I/O Block (DMA for PCIe® , MAC for Ethernet, etc.) Generally in platform because the interface between I/O and IP are not AXI. OK as Kernel if the interfaces between I/O block and IP are AXI.
IP with non-AXI interface Only in Platform OK if the interface can be changed to AXI MM or AXI4-Stream
Traditional memory mapped IP which has Linux driver (VPSS, etc.) Only in Platform  
HLS AXI memory mapped IP OK in Platform. You have to write control software. Preferred as Kernel. Controlled by XRT.
Acceleration memory mapped IP follows Vitis kernel register standard and open to XRT   Preferred as Kernel
Vitis Libraries   Only work as Kernel
Free running IP with AXI4-Stream interface OK OK


For more information on embedded platforms, see the following links: