Using the Message Rule File - 2020.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

The v++ command executes various Xilinx tools during kernel compilation and linking. These tools generate many messages that provide build status to you. These messages might or might not be relevant to you depending on your focus and design phase. The Message Rule file (.mrf) can be used to better manage these messages. It provides commands to promote important messages to the terminal or suppress unimportant ones. This helps you better understand the kernel build result and explore methods to optimize the kernel.

The Message Rule file is a text file consisting of comments and supported commands. Only one command is allowed on each line.


Any line with “#” as the first non-white space character is a comment.

Supported Commands

By default, v++ recursively scans the entire working directory and promotes all error messages to the v++ output. The promote and suppress commands below provide more control on the v++ output.

  • promote: This command indicates that matching messages should be promoted to the v++ output.
  • suppress: This command indicates that matching messages should be suppressed or filtered from the v++ output. Note that errors cannot be suppressed.

Enter only one command per line.

Command Options

The Message Rule file can have multiple promote and suppress commands. Each command can have one and only one of the options below. The options are case-sensitive.

  • -id [<message_id>]: All messages matching the specified message ID are promoted or suppressed. The message ID is in format of nnn-mmm. As an example, the following is a warning message from HLS. The message ID in this case is 204-68.
    WARNING: [V++ 204-68] Unable to enforce a carried dependence constraint (II = 1, distance = 1, offset = 1) 
    between bus request on port 'gmem' 
    (/matrix_multiply_cl_kernel/ and bus request on port 'gmem'-severity [severity_level]

    For example, to suppress messages with message ID 204-68, specify the following: suppress -id 204-68.

  • -severity [<severity_level>]: The following are valid values for the severity level. All messages matching the specified severity level will be promoted or suppressed.
    • info
    • warning
    • critical_warning

      For example, to promote messages with severity of 'critical-warning', specify the following: promote -severity critical_warning.

Precedence of Message Rules

The suppress rules take precedence over promote rules. If the same message ID or severity level is passed to both promote and suppress commands in the Message Rule file, the matching messages are suppressed and not displayed.

Example of Message Rule File

The following is an example of a valid Message Rule file:

# promote all warning, critical warning
promote -severity warning
promote -severity critical_warning
# suppress the critical warning message with id 19-2342
suppress -id 19-2342