The Platform and System Diagrams display a representation of the platform resources, and the kernel code integrated onto the platform. They can be viewed in the Vitis™ analyzer from the Link Summary, the Run Summary, or the .xclbin for a project.
The Platform Diagram is a block diagram of the target platform, before the .xclbin is loaded. This diagram shows all DDR banks and PLRAM available, and their available connections. A table at the bottom displays details of bank names with types of memories, their sizes and which SLR region these are available.
The System Diagram shows memory banks or PLRAMs used by the .xclbin. You can also see how the function arguments of Compute Units are connected to AXI4 interfaces. A table at the bottom of the System Diagram displays information for each Compute Unit, Kernels, and Memories. For designs that include AI Engine kernels, the System Diagram also displays information related to those kernels. Features of the System Diagram include the following:
- Name of the kernel with an indication which SLR this is available.
- LUT%
- Register %
- BRAM % used
- URAM % used
- DSP % used
When Run Summary is loaded, the System Diagram includes profile data
from the run. The Vitis analyzer automatically runs
when opening a Run Summary that
contains a profile_summary.csv as well as
optionally profile_kernels.csv for Hardware
Emulation. The profile data is added to the table at the bottom of the System Diagram
and can also be displayed in the diagram, as shown in the figure above.
The resource information from the table can also be displayed in a box next to each kernel or CU in the System Diagram. The Settings command () lets you display or hide Unused Memory, Interface Ports, Profile Info, and Resource info.
The ports on a Compute Unit can display the transfer rates on the system
diagram, as well as CU Utilization percentage. CU port transfer rates are taken from the
Kernel Transfer section of the Profile Summary report. CU utilization statistics are
taken from the Compute Unit Utilization section of Profile Summary. The performance data
is available as long as Profiling was enabled for Hardware and Hardware Emulation run,
using the Vitis compiler --profile
option as described in --profile Options.