Testing Your Platform - 2020.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

Before delivering the platform to the application developers, you should run some basic platform tests to make sure it works properly for acceleration applications.

Generally, we need to make sure the platform can pass these tests:

Boot test
The Vivado project generated implementation result BIT file (from Adding Hardware Interfaces) and PetaLinux generated images (from Updating Software Components) should be able to successfully boot to the Linux console.
Platforminfo test
The platform generated in Packaging a Vitis Acceleration Platform should have a proper platforminfo report for clock and memory information.
XRT basic test
The XRT xbutil query utility should be able to run on the target board and properly report platform information.
Vadd test
Use Vitis to generate a vector addition sample application with the platform. The generated application and xclbin should print test pass on the board.