Optimize Data Transfers to and from the Device - 2022.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

In an accelerated application, data must be transferred from the host to the device especially in the case of PCIe-based applications. This introduces latency, which can be very costly to the overall performance of the application.

Data needs to be transferred at the right time, otherwise the application performance is negatively impacted if the kernel must wait for data to be available. It is therefore important to transfer data ahead of when the kernel needs it. This is achieved by overlapping data transfers and kernel execution, as described in Keep the Device Kernels Utilized. As shown in the sequence in the previous figure, this technique enables hiding the latency overhead of the data transfers and avoids the kernel having to wait for data to be ready.

Another method of optimizing data transfers is to transfer optimally sized buffers. As shown in the following figure, the effective PCIe throughput varies greatly based on the transferred buffer size. The larger the buffer, the better the throughput, ensuring the accelerators always have data to operate on and are not wasting cycles. It is usually better to make data transfers of 1 MB or more. Running DMA tests upfront can be useful for finding the optimal buffer sizes. Also, when determining optimal buffer sizes, consider the effect of large buffers on resource utilization and transfer latency.

Another method of optimizing data transfers is to transfer optimally sized buffers. The effective data transfer throughput varies greatly based on the size of transferred buffer. The larger the buffer, the better the throughput, ensuring the accelerators always have data to operate on and are not wasting cycles.

As shown in the following figure, on PCIe-based systems it is usually better to make data transfers of 1 MB or more. Running DMA tests in advance using the xbutil utility can be useful for finding the optimal buffer sizes.

Figure 1. Performance of PCIe Transfers as a Function of Buffer Size

Xilinx recommends grouping multiple sets of data in a common buffer to achieve the highest possible throughput.