Interpreting Guidance Data - 2022.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

The Guidance view places each entry in a separate row. Each row might contain the name of the guidance rule, threshold value, actual value, and a brief but specific description of the rule. The last field provides a link to reference material intended to assist in understanding and resolving any of the rule violations.

In the GUI Guidance view, guidance rules are grouped by categories and unique IDs in the Name column and annotated with symbols representing the severity. These are listed individually in the HTML report. In addition, as the HTML report does not show tooltips, a full Name column is included in the HTML report as well.

The following list describes all fields and their purpose as included in the HTML guidance reports.

Each guidance rule is assigned a unique ID. Use this id to uniquely identify a specific message from the guidance report.
The Name column displays a mnemonic name uniquely identifying the guidance rule. These names are designed to assist in memorizing specific guidance rules in the view.
The Severity column allows the easy identification of the importance of a guidance rule.
Full Name
The Full Name provides a less cryptic name compared to the mnemonic name in the Name column.
Most messages are grouped within different categories. This allows the GUI to display groups of messages within logical categories under common tree nodes in the Guidance view.
The Threshold column displays an expected threshold value, which determines whether or not a rule is met. The threshold values are determined from many applications that follow good design and coding practices.
The Actual column displays the values actually encountered on the specific design. This value is compared against the expected value to see if the rule is met.
The Details column provides a brief message describing the specifics of the current rule.
The Resolution column provides a pointer to common ways the model source code or tool transformations can be modified to meet the current rule. Clicking the link brings up a popup window or the documentation with tips and code snippets that you can apply to the specific issue.