Clock |
One or more clock inputs. |
- At least one clock is required for the kernel.
- Can be named anything, but must be packaged with a bus
Important: All ports in the RTL IP must be associated
with an interface when packaging the RTL for use in the Vitis environment. If this is not the case, an
error similar to the following occurs:
ERROR: UNDEF When packaging for Vitis, pins that are not part of an interface are not supported
Reset |
Primary active-Low reset input port |
- Optional port.
- Can be named anything, but must be associated with a Clock
signal through the ASSOCIATED_RESET property on the Clock.
- This signal should be internally pipelined to improve
- The signal is driven by a synchronous reset in the associated
Clock domain.
interrupt |
Active-High interrupt. |
- Optional port.
- When used, the name must be exactly as shown.
s_axi_control |
One (and only one) AXI4-Lite
slave control interface |
- Required port. The
interface is generally required with exception for some cases using AXI4-Stream interfaces. It is not required for
non-software controlled kernels.
- When used, the name must be exactly as shown, and is
AXI4_Memory Mapped Interface (m_axi) |
AXI4 memory mapped
interfaces for global memory access |
- Optional port.
- All AXI4 memory mapped
interfaces must have 64-bit addresses (32 bits on Zynq-7000 devices).
- The RTL kernel developer is responsible for partitioning global
memory spaces. Each partition in the global memory becomes a kernel argument. The
memory offset for each partition must be provided by the SW applications to the
kernel through a register in the AXI4-Lite
AXI4 memory mapped must not
use Wrap or Fixed burst types and must not use narrow (sub-size) bursts. This
means that AxSIZE should match the width of the AXI data bus.
- Any user logic or RTL code that does not conform to the
requirements above, must be wrapped or bridged to satisfy these requirements.
AXI4_STREAM (axis) |
AXI4-Stream interfaces for
one-way data transfers between kernels or between the host application and
kernels. |
- Optional port.
- Cannot be used with bi-directional ports.
- Use the STREAM interface template in the Vivado Design Suite.
- Refer to
AXI4-Stream Interfaces
in the Vitis HLS User Guide
(UG1399) for
additional information on interface requirements.
- The clock requirements listed here are
for newer platform shells which include fixed clocks as discussed in Managing Clock Frequencies. RTL kernels for use on legacy
platforms support two clocks named
ap_clk and
ap_clk_2 specifically, and two optional resets
named ap_rst_n and ap_rst_n_2 .