Generating and Opening the Profile Summary Report - 2022.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Capturing the data required for the Profile Summary requires a few steps prior to actually running the application.

  1. The FPGA binary (xclbin) file is configured for capturing profiling data by default. However, using the v++ --profile option during the linking process enables a greater level of detail in the profiling data captured. For more information, see the --profile Options.
  2. The runtime requires the presence of an xrt.ini file, as described in xrt.ini File, that includes options for capturing trace data:
    opencl_trace = true
    xrt_native_api = true
    device_trace = fine
  3. To enable the profiling of Kernel Internals data, you must also add the debug_mode tag in the [Emulation] section of the xrt.ini:
    debug_mode = batch

With profiling enabled in the device binary and in the xrt.ini file, the runtime creates different report files when running the application depending on which options are enabled. The Profile Summary report can be viewed in the Using the Vitis Analyzer by opening the Run Summary using the following command:

vitis_analyzer xrt.run_summary

As previously stated, the data contained in the Profile Summary report depends on the various options enabled in the xrt.ini file. The following figure illustrates the different data tables and the options to enable them.

Figure 1. Profile Summary Tables