Memory Information - 2022.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English
Reports the available DDR and PLRAM memory connections per SLR as shown in the example output below.
  Type: ddr4
  Bus SP Tag: DDR
    Segment Index: 0
      Consumption: automatic
      SP Tag:      bank0
      SLR:         SLR0
      Max Masters: 15
    Segment Index: 1
      Consumption: default
      SP Tag:      bank1
      SLR:         SLR1
      Max Masters: 15
    Segment Index: 2
      Consumption: automatic
      SP Tag:      bank2
      SLR:         SLR1
      Max Masters: 15
    Segment Index: 3
      Consumption: automatic
      SP Tag:      bank3
      SLR:         SLR2
      Max Masters: 15
  Bus SP Tag: PLRAM
    Segment Index: 0
      Consumption: explicit
      SLR:         SLR0
      Max Masters: 15
    Segment Index: 1
      Consumption: explicit
      SLR:         SLR1
      Max Masters: 15
    Segment Index: 2
      Consumption: explicit
      SLR:         SLR2
      Max Masters: 15

The Bus SP Tag heading can be DDR or PLRAM and gives associated information below.

The Segment Index field is used in association with the SP Tag to generate the associated memory resource index as shown below.

Bus SP Tag[Segment Index]

For example, if Segment Index is 0, then the associated DDR resource index would be DDR[0].

This memory index is used when specifying memory resources in the v++ command as shown below:

v++ … --connectivity.sp vadd.m_axi_gmem:DDR[3]

There can be more than one Segment Index associated with an SLR. For instance, in the output above, SLR1 has both Segment Index 1 and 2.

The Consumption field indicates how a memory resource is used when building the design:

If the --connectivity.sp directive is not specified, it uses this memory resource by default during v++ build. For example in the report below, DDR with Segment Index 1 is used by default.
When the maximum number of memory interfaces have been used under Consumption: default have been fully applied, then the interfaces under automatic is used. The maximum number of interfaces per memory resource are given in the Max Masters field.
For PLRAM, consumption is set to explicit which indicates this memory resource is only used when explicitly indicated through the v++ command line.