Maximum and Minimum Status Registers
The XADC also tracks the minimum and maximum values recorded for the internal sensors since the last power-up or since the last reset of the XADC control logic. The maximum and minimum values recorded are stored in the DRP status registers starting at address 20h (see Status Registers, page 30 ). On power-up or after reset, all minimum registers are set to FFFFh and all maximum registers are set to 0000h . Each new measurement generated for an on-chip sensor is compared to the contents of its maximum and minimum registers. If the measured value is greater than the contents of its maximum registers, the measured value is written to the maximum register. Similarly, for the minimum register, if the measured value is less than the contents of its minimum register, the measured value is written to the minimum register. This check is carried out every time a measurement result is written to the status registers.
Status Register |
Description |
20h |
Temp max – Maximum temperature recorded |
21h |
V CCINT max – Maximum V CCINT recorded |
22h |
V CCAUX max – Maximum V CCAUX recorded |
23h |
V CCBRAM max – Maximum V CCBRAM recorded |
24h |
Temp min – Minimum temperature recorded |
25h |
V CCINT min – Minimum V CCINT recorded |
26h |
V CCAUX min – Minimum V CCAUX recorded |
27h |
V CCBRAM min – Minimum V CCBRAM recorded |
28h |
V CCPINT (1) max – Maximum V CCPINT recorded |
29h |
V CCPAUX (1) max – Maximum V CCPAUX recorded |
2Ah |
V CCO_DDR (1) max – Maximum V CCO_DDR recorded |
2Bh |
Unassigned |
2Ch |
V CCPINT (1) min – Minimum V CCPINT recorded |
2Dh |
V CCPAUX (1) min – Minimum V CCPAUX recorded |
2Eh |
V CCO_DDR (1) min – Minimum V CCO_DDR recorded |
2Fh |
Unassigned |
Notes: |