SMPTE UHD-SDI TX Registers - 2.0 English - PG289

SMPTE UHD- Transmitter Subsystem LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG289)

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2.0 English

The SMPTE UHD-SDI TX registers are available when Enable AXI4-Lite Interface is selected in the Vivado IDE. The SMPTE UHD-SDI TX IP core register space is shown in the following table.

Important: This memory space must be aligned to an AXI word (32-bit) boundary.

All registers are in little endian format as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. 32-bit Little Endian Example
Table 1. SMPTE UHD-SDI TX IP Core Register Space
Offset Name Width Access Description
0x00 RST_CTRL 32-bit R/W Enable and soft reset controls for the IP core
0x04 MODULE_CTRL 32-bit R/W Module control register
0x08 RESERVED 32-bit N/A N/A
0x0C GLBL_IER 32-bit R/W Global interrupt enable register
0x10 ISR 32-bit R/W1C Interrupt status register
0x14 IER 32-bit R/W Interrupt enable register
0x18 TX_ST352_LINE 32-bit R/W ST352 packet insertion line number
0x1C TX_ST352_DATA_DS1 32-bit R/W Data stream 1 ST352 packet data
0x20 TX_ST352_DATA_DS3 32-bit R/W Data stream 3 ST352 packet data
0x24 TX_ST352_DATA_DS5 32-bit R/W Data stream 5 ST352 packet data
0x28 TX_ST352_DATA_DS7 32-bit R/W Data stream 7 ST352 packet data
0x2C TX_ST352_DATA_DS9 32-bit R/W Data stream 9 ST352 packet data
0x30 TX_ST352_DATA_DS11 32-bit R/W Data stream 11 ST352 packet data
0x34 TX_ST352_DATA_DS13 32-bit R/W Data stream 13 ST352 packet data
0x38 TX_ST352_DATA_DS15 32-bit R/W Data stream 15 ST352 packet data
0x3C VERSION 32-bit RO Version Register
0x40 SS_CONFIG 32-bit RO IP core Configuration
0x68 SDI_TX_BRIDGE_STS 32-bit RO SDI TX Bridge Status
0x6C AXI4S_VID_OUT_STS 32-bit R/W AXI4-Stream Video Out status register
0x70 TX_ST352_DATA_DS2 32-bit R/W Data stream 2 ST352 packet data
0x74 TX_ST352_DATA_DS4 32-bit R/W Data stream 4 ST352 packet data
0x78 TX_ST352_DATA_DS6 32-bit R/W Data stream 6 ST352 packet data
0x7C TX_ST352_DATA_DS8 32-bit R/W Data stream 8 ST352 packet data
0x80 TX_ST352_DATA_DS10 32-bit R/W Data stream 10 ST352 packet data
0x84 TX_ST352_DATA_DS12 32-bit R/W Data stream 12 ST352 packet data
0x88 TX_ST352_DATA_DS14 32-bit R/W Data stream 14 ST352 packet data
0x8C TX_ST352_DATA_DS16 32-bit R/W Data stream 16 ST352 packet data
  1. Access type and reset value for all the reserved bit in the registers is read-only with value 0.
  2. Register accesses should be word aligned and there is no support for a write strobe. WSTRB is not used internally.
  3. Only the lower 7 (6:0) of the read and write address of the AXI4-Lite interface are decoded. This means that accessing addresses 0x00 and 0x80 results in reading the same address as 0x00.
  4. Reads and writes to addresses outside this table do not return an error.