The following table provides details about the core reset, and Interface to the Transceiver Ports.
Signal | Direction | Description |
RESET_I | Input Synchronous reset | Active-High. Needs 8 clock cycles to reset correctly |
DRPEN_O | Output | Unused. Leave floating |
DRPWEN_O | Output | Unused. Leave floating |
DRPDO_I[15:0] | Input | Unused. Connect to 0 or 1 |
DRPDATA_O[15:0] | Output | Unused. Leave floating |
DRPADDR_O[8:0] | Output | Unused. Leave floating |
DRPRDY_I | Input | 0 Unused. Connect to 0 or 1 |
Signal | Direction | Description |
DRP_USER_REQ_I | Input | Unused. Connect to 0. |
DRP_USER_DONE_I | Input | Unused. Connect to 0. |
DRPEN_USER_I | Input | Unused. Connect to 0. |
DRPWEN_USER_I | Input | Unused. Connect to 0. |
DRPADDR_USER_I[8:0] | Input | Unused. Connect to 0. |
DRPDATA_USER_I[15:0] | Input | Unused. Connect to 0. |
DRPRDY_USER_O | Output | Unused. Leave floating. |
DRPDATA_USER_O[15:0] | Output | Unused. Leave floating. |
DRPBUSY_O | Output | Unused. Leave floating. |
Signal Name | Direction | Description |
ACC_DATA[4:0] | Output | Connect to TXPIPPMSTEPSIZE[4:0] of the transceiver. |
Signal | Direction | Description |
ERROR-O[20:0] | Output | Output of phase detector. Signed number. |
VOLT_O[21:0] | Output | Output of low-pass filter. Signed number. |
DRPDATA_SHORT_O[7:0] | Output | Unused. Leave floating. |
CE_PI_O | Output | Clock enable for accumulator. |
CE_PI2_O | Output | Clock enable for low pass filter and DAC. |
CE_DSP_O | Output | Reset phase detector counters, load phase detector error into the low-pass filter. |
OVF_PD | Output | Overflow in phase detector. |
OVF_AB | Output | Saturation of the low-pass filter inputs. |
OVF_INT | Output | Saturation of the low-pass filter integrator. |
OVF_VOLT | Output | Saturation of the low-pass filter output. |
Signal | Direction | Description |
G1[4:0] | Input | Filter linear path gain: range 0
to x12h . |
G2[4:0] | Input | Filter integrator path gain: range
0 to x14h . |
R[15:0] | Input | Reference divider: range 0 to
65535 . Divides by R+2. |
V[15:0] | Input | TXOUTCLK_I divider: range 0 to
65535 . Divides by V+2. |
ACC-STEP[3:0] | Input | PICXO step size: range 1 to
15 (0= no step). |
CE_DSP_RATE[15:0] | Input | DSP divider: default 07FF . Control
CE_DSP rate. |
VSIGCE_I | Input | Clock enable to the TXOUTCLK_I divider. Connect to 1 for normal operation. |
VSIGCE_O | Output | Reserved: Floating. |
RSIGCE_I | Input | Clock enable of Reference divider. Connects to 1 for normal operation. |
C_I[7:0] | Input | Reserved. Connect to 0 . |
P_I[9:0] | Input | Reserved. Connect to 0 . |
N_I[9:0] | Input | Reserved. Connect to 0 . |
OFFSET_PPM[21:0] | Input | Direct frequency offset control. Signed number. OFFSET_PPM overwrites the output of the low-pass filter (VOLT_O) when OFFSET_EN is High. |
OFFSET_EN | Input | Enable direct frequency offset control input. Active-High: Enables OFFSET_PPM input to overwrite output of low-pass filter (Volt). |
HOLD | Input | Hold low-pass filter output value (Volt). Clock enable of Volt that stops Volt to the latest known ppm. |
DON_I | Input | Dither On. Potential jitter reduction. Active-High. |