Reset - 2.0 English

SMPTE UHD-Transmitter Subsystem LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG289)

Document ID
Release Date
2.0 English

The following table provides details about the core reset, and Interface to the Transceiver Ports.

Table 1. Core Reset and Interface to the Transceiver Ports
Signal Direction Description
RESET_I Input Synchronous reset Active-High. Needs 8 clock cycles to reset correctly
DRPEN_O Output Unused. Leave floating
DRPWEN_O Output Unused. Leave floating
DRPDO_I[15:0] Input Unused. Connect to 0 or 1
DRPDATA_O[15:0] Output Unused. Leave floating
DRPADDR_O[8:0] Output Unused. Leave floating
DRPRDY_I Input 0 Unused. Connect to 0 or 1
Table 2. DRP User Port (Unused)
Signal Direction Description
DRP_USER_REQ_I Input Unused. Connect to 0.
DRP_USER_DONE_I Input Unused. Connect to 0.
DRPEN_USER_I Input Unused. Connect to 0.
DRPWEN_USER_I Input Unused. Connect to 0.
DRPADDR_USER_I[8:0] Input Unused. Connect to 0.
DRPDATA_USER_I[15:0] Input Unused. Connect to 0.
DRPRDY_USER_O Output Unused. Leave floating.
DRPDATA_USER_O[15:0] Output Unused. Leave floating.
DRPBUSY_O Output Unused. Leave floating.
Table 3. TXPI Ports
Signal Name Direction Description
ACC_DATA[4:0] Output Connect to TXPIPPMSTEPSIZE[4:0] of the transceiver.
Table 4. Debug Port
Signal Direction Description
ERROR-O[20:0] Output Output of phase detector. Signed number.
VOLT_O[21:0] Output Output of low-pass filter. Signed number.
DRPDATA_SHORT_O[7:0] Output Unused. Leave floating.
CE_PI_O Output Clock enable for accumulator.
CE_PI2_O Output Clock enable for low pass filter and DAC.
CE_DSP_O Output Reset phase detector counters, load phase detector error into the low-pass filter.
OVF_PD Output Overflow in phase detector.
OVF_AB Output Saturation of the low-pass filter inputs.
OVF_INT Output Saturation of the low-pass filter integrator.
OVF_VOLT Output Saturation of the low-pass filter output.
Table 5. PICXO Loop Parameters
Signal Direction Description
G1[4:0] Input Filter linear path gain: range 0 to x12h.
G2[4:0] Input Filter integrator path gain: range 0 to x14h.
R[15:0] Input Reference divider: range 0 to 65535. Divides by R+2.
V[15:0] Input TXOUTCLK_I divider: range 0 to 65535. Divides by V+2.
ACC-STEP[3:0] Input PICXO step size: range 1 to 15 (0= no step).
CE_DSP_RATE[15:0] Input DSP divider: default 07FF. Control CE_DSP rate.
VSIGCE_I Input Clock enable to the TXOUTCLK_I divider. Connect to 1 for normal operation.
VSIGCE_O Output Reserved: Floating.
RSIGCE_I Input Clock enable of Reference divider. Connects to 1 for normal operation.
C_I[7:0] Input Reserved. Connect to 0 .
P_I[9:0] Input Reserved. Connect to 0.
N_I[9:0] Input Reserved. Connect to 0.
OFFSET_PPM[21:0] Input Direct frequency offset control. Signed number. OFFSET_PPM overwrites the output of the low-pass filter (VOLT_O) when OFFSET_EN is High.
OFFSET_EN Input Enable direct frequency offset control input. Active-High: Enables OFFSET_PPM input to overwrite output of low-pass filter (Volt).
HOLD Input Hold low-pass filter output value (Volt). Clock enable of Volt that stops Volt to the latest known ppm.
DON_I Input Dither On. Potential jitter reduction. Active-High.