Native SDI Signals - 2.0 English - PG289

SMPTE UHD- Transmitter Subsystem LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG289)

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2.0 English

These signals are available when the Video Interface is set to Native SDI in the Vivado IDE. The native SDI also supports an AXI4-Lite control interface. When the AXI4-Lite control interface is enabled, some ports are not available as noted in the following table. This configuration is similar to the transmitter of the SMPTE UHD-SDI IP core in terms of functionality, and therefore for further information, see the SMPTE UHD-SDI LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG205).

Important: In Native SDI mode, the image data values must be constrained to avoid SDI prohibited codes. You must avoid the values from 00h to 003h and 3FCh to 3FFh. In Native Video mode and AXI4-Stream mode, the image data values below 004h (000h to 003h) are clamped at 004h, and the values above 3FBh (3FCh to 3FFh) are clamped at 3FBh internally, to avoid the SDI prohibited codes.
Table 1. Native SDI Signals
Signal I/O Description
sdi_tx_clk I SMPTE UHD-SDI TX core clock
sdi_tx_rst I Active-High reset
sdi_tx_ctrl[31:0] 2 I

Bit0: module_enable

Bit1: not used

Bit3–bit2: reserved

Bit6–bit4: tx_mode: 1






Bit7: tx_m (tx_rate):

0 – integer frame rate

1 – fractional frame rate (frame_rate/1.001)

Bit10–bit8: tx_mux_pattern:

000-SD, HD, and 3G level A

001-3G level B

010-8 stream interleave in 6G and 12G


011-4 stream interleave in 6G mode

Bit11: reserved

Bit12: tx_insert_crc

Bit13: tx_insert_st352

Bit14: tx_overwrite_st352

Bit15: tx_st352_f2_en

Bit16: tx_insert_sync_bit

Bit17: tx_sd_bitrep_bypass

Bit18: tx_use_anc_in

Bit19: tx_insert_ln

Bit20: tx_insert_edh

Bit23: tx_insert_c_str_st352

Bit24: st352_str_switch_3g_a

Bit31–bit25: reserved

ST352_DATA_IN_tx_st352_data_ch0[31:0] 2 I ST352 data for Y stream of channel 0
ST352_DATA_IN_tx_st352_data_ch1[31:0] 2 I ST352 data for Y stream of channel 1
ST352_DATA_IN_tx_st352_data_ch2[31:0] 2 I ST352 data for Y stream of channel 2
ST352_DATA_IN_tx_st352_data_ch3[31:0] 2 I ST352 data for Y stream of channel 3
ST352_DATA_IN_tx_st352_data_ch4[31:0] 2 I ST352 data for Y stream of channel 4
ST352_DATA_IN_tx_st352_data_ch5[31:0] 2 I ST352 data for Y stream of channel 5
ST352_DATA_IN_tx_st352_data_ch6[31:0] 2 I ST352 data for Y stream of channel 6
ST352_DATA_IN_tx_st352_data_ch7[31:0] 2 I ST352 data for Y stream of channel 7
ST352_DATA_IN_C_tx_st352_data_ch0[31:0] 2 4 I ST352 data for C stream of channel 0
ST352_DATA_IN_C_tx_st352_data_ch1[31:0] 2 4 I ST352 data for C stream of channel 1
ST352_DATA_IN_C_tx_st352_data_ch2[31:0] 2 4 I ST352 data for C stream of channel 2
ST352_DATA_IN_C_tx_st352_data_ch3[31:0] 2 4 I ST352 data for C stream of channel 3
ST352_DATA_IN_C_tx_st352_data_ch4[31:0] 2 4 I ST352 data for C stream of channel 4
ST352_DATA_IN_C_tx_st352_data_ch5[31:0] 2 4 I ST352 data for C stream of channel 5
ST352_DATA_IN_C_tx_st352_data_ch6[31:0] 2 4 I ST352 data for C stream of channel 6
ST352_DATA_IN_C_tx_st352_data_ch7[31:0] 2 4 I ST352 data for C stream of channel 7
ST352_DATA_IN_tx_st352_line_f1 I

Odd line to insert ST352 data. This is used for progressive video and you have to control the tx_st352_f2_en bit of the sdi_tx_ctrl bus. 1

ST352_DATA_IN_tx_st352_line_f2 I Even line to insert ST352 data
SDI_DS_IN_ds1[9:0] I SDI data stream 1
SDI_DS_IN_ds2[9:0] I SDI data stream 2
SDI_DS_IN_ds3[9:0] I SDI data stream 3
SDI_DS_IN_ds4[9:0] I SDI data stream 4
SDI_DS_IN_ds5[9:0] I SDI data stream 5
SDI_DS_IN_ds6[9:0] I SDI data stream 6
SDI_DS_IN_ds7[9:0] I SDI data stream 7
SDI_DS_IN_ds8[9:0] I SDI data stream 8
SDI_DS_IN_ds9[9:0] to SDI_DS_IN_ds16[9:0] 4 I SDI data stream 9 to 16

SDI_DS_IN_ln_num_1[10:0] to


I SDI data stream line number 1 to 4

SDI_DS_IN_ln_num_5[10:0] to

SDI_DS_IN_ln_num_8[10:0] 4

I SDI data stream line number 5 to 8
SDI_DS_IN_tx_ce I Clock enable
SDI_DS_IN_tx_sd_ce I SD-SDI mode clock enable
sdi_tx_err[31:0] 2 O

Bit0: tx_ce_align_err

Bit31 to bit1: Reserved

  1. See the TX Ports section of the SMPTE UHD-SDI LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG205) for more details on the signal descriptions.
  2. Enabled only when the Enable AXI4-Lite interface option is not selected in the Vivado IDE.
  3. Enabled only when the Insert ST352 in C stream option is selected in the Vivado IDE.
  4. Enabled only when Native SDI is selected as the video interface and 12G SDI 16DS is selected as the SDI standard.