Analyzing AXI4-Stream (AXI-S) Interfaces - 2022.1 English - UG900

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

This section describes the transaction viewing features specific to AXI-Stream protocol instances. A protocol instance of an AXI-S interface appears in the wave window with a wave object hierarchy as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. AXI-Stream (AXI-S) Interface

The wave object hierarchy of an AXI-S interface contains only one transaction row which is at the top of the hierarchy. Each transaction bar in the row corresponds to one complete AXI transaction. The text on the transaction consists of the stream identifier from AXI signal TID and the coarse routing information from AXI signal TDEST.

The transaction bar contains color coded stripes to indicate the status of an AXI transaction as described in the following table.

Table 1. AXI Transaction Status
Color Status Description
Green Normal Data is streaming normally.
Yellow Starve Slave is waiting for data from the master.
Red Stall Master is producing data faster than slave can consume it.

Under the top transaction row, the wave object hierarchy contains some of the key AXI signals plus stall and starve status signals to indicate stall and starve conditions. The status signals provide the same information as the color stripes do in the transaction row.

Tip: You may notice that the channel transaction bars appear up to one clock cycle after the corresponding AXI signal event. The AXI protocol analyzers consider AXI signal events that occur on or after a positive clock edge to take effect at the following positive clock edge.

Error Conditions

A handshaking error produces an error transaction with the text containing all Fs.