Example SAIF Tcl Commands - 2022.1 English - UG900

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

To log SAIF for:

  • All signals in the scope: /tb: log_saif /tb/*
  • All the ports of the scope: /tb/UUT
  • Those objects having names that start with a and end in b and have digits in between:
    log_saif [get_objects -regexp {^a[0-9]+b$}]
  • The objects in the current_scope and children_scope:
    log_saif [get_objects -r *]
  • The objects in the current_scope:
    log_saif * or log_saif [get_objects]
  • Only the ports of the scope /tb/UUT, use the command:
    id="ah453025">log_saif [get_objects -filter {type == in_port || type == out_port || type == 
    inout_port || type == port } /tb/UUT/* ]
  • Only the internal signals of the scope /tb/UUT, use the command:
    log_saif [get_objects -filter { type == signal } /tb/UUT/* ] 
    Tip: This filtering is applicable to all Tcl commands that require HDL objects.