The ports in the following table are available when the Include GT subcore in core option is selected in the GT Selection and Configuration tab or Enable Additional GT Control/Status and DRP Ports is selected from the GT Selection and Configuration tab.
For the port descriptions, see UltraScale Architecture GTY Transceivers User Guide (UG578) and UltraScale Architecture GTH Transceivers User Guide (UG576).
Name | Size | I/O |
gt_dmonitorout_* | 16 | O |
gt_eyescandataerror_* | 1 | O |
gt_eyescanreset_* | 1 | I |
gt_eyescantrigger_* | 1 | I |
gt_pcsrsvdin_* | 16 | I |
gt_rxbufreset_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxbufstatus_* | 3 | O |
gt_rxcdrhold_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxcommadeten_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxdfeagchold_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxdfelpmreset_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxlatclk_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxlpmen_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxpcsreset_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxpmareset_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxpolarity_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxprbscntreset_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxprbserr_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxprbssel_* | 4 | I |
gt_rxrate_* | 3 | I |
gt_rxslide_in_* | 1 | I |
gt_rxstartofseq_* | 2 | O |
gt_txbufstatus_* | 2 | O |
gt_txdiffctrl_* | 5 | I |
gt_txinhibit_* | 1 | I |
gt_txlatclk_* | 1 | I |
gt_txmaincursor_* | 7 | I |
gt_txpcsreset_* | 1 | I |
gt_txpmareset_* | 1 | I |
gt_txpolarity_* | 1 | I |
gt_txpostcursor_* | 5 | I |
gt_txprbsforceerr_* | 1 | I |
gt_txprbssel_* | 4 | I |
gt_txprecursor_* | 5 | I |
gtwiz_reset_tx_datapath_* | 1 | I |
gtwiz_reset_rx_datapath_* | 1 | I |
gt_drpclk_* 1 | 1 | I |
gt_drpdo_* 1 | 16 | O |
gt_drprdy_* 1 | 1 | O |
gt_drpen_* 1 | 1 | I |
gt_drpwe_* 1 | 1 | I |
gt_drpaddr_* 1 | 10 | I |
gt_drpdi_* 1 | 16 | I |