General purpose I/Os (GPIOs) are provided to control the example design. The user input and output ports are described in the following table.
Name | Size | I/O | Description |
sys_reset | 1 | I | Reset for the core. |
gt_ref_clk_p | 1 | I | Differential input clk to GT. |
gt_ref_clk_n | 1 | I | Differential input clk to GT. This clock frequency should be equal to the GT RefClk frequency mentioned in the Vivado IDE GT Selection and Configuration tab. |
dclk | 1 | I | Stable/free running input clk to GT. This clock frequency should be equal to the GT DRP clock frequency mentioned in the Vivado IDE GT Selection and Configuration tab. |
rx_gt_locked_led_0 | 1 | O | Indicates that GT has been locked. |
rx_block_lock_led_0 | 1 | O | Indicates RX block lock has been achieved. |
restart_tx_rx_0 | 1 | I | This signal is used to restart the packet generation and reception for the data sanity test when the packet generator and the packet monitor are in idle state. |
completion_status | 5 | O | This signal represents the test status/result.
mode_change_* | 1 | I | This is used to switch the core speed. |
core_speed_* | 1 | O |
This signal indicates the speed with which the core is working:
send_continuous_pkts_* | 1 | I | This port can be used to send continuous packets
for board validation.
ctl_core_speed_sel | 2 | I | This signal is used to set the operating speed of the core.