The following Primitive Groups correlate to the PRIMITIVE_GROUP cell property in the Vivado software. Similarly, the listed Primitive Subgroup correlates to the PRIMITIVE_SUBGROUP property on the cells in the software. These can be used in filters to specify a class of cells for constraint processing and other tasks within Vivado.
Design Element | Description | Primitive Subgroup |
CMAC | Primitive: 100G MAC Block | MAC |
CMACE4 | Primitive: 100G MAC Block | MAC |
GTHE3_CHANNEL | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver for UltraScale devices | GT |
GTHE3_COMMON | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver for UltraScale devices | GT |
GTHE4_CHANNEL | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver for UltraScale+ devices | GT |
GTHE4_COMMON | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver for UltraScale+ devices | GT |
GTYE3_CHANNEL | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver for UltraScale devices | GT |
GTYE3_COMMON | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver for UltraScale devices | GT |
GTYE4_CHANNEL | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver for UltraScale+ devices. | GT |
GTYE4_COMMON | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver for UltraScale+ devices | GT |
IBUFDS_GTE3 | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver Buffer | GT |
IBUFDS_GTE4 | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver Buffer | GT |
ILKN | Primitive: Interlaken MAC | INTERLAKEN |
ILKNE4 | Primitive: Interlaken MAC | INTERLAKEN |
OBUFDS_GTE3 | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver Buffer | GT |
OBUFDS_GTE3_ADV | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver Buffer | GT |
OBUFDS_GTE4 | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver Buffer | GT |
OBUFDS_GTE4_ADV | Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver Buffer | GT |
PCIE40E4 | Primitive: Integrated Block for PCI Express | PCIE |
PCIE_3_1 | Primitive: Integrated Block for PCI Express | PCIE |
SYSMONE1 | Primitive: AMD Analog-to-Digital Converter and System Monitor | SYSMON |
SYSMONE4 | Primitive: AMD Analog-to-Digital Converter and System Monitor | SYSMON |
Design Element | Description | Primitive Subgroup |
DSP48E2 | Primitive: 48-bit Multi-Functional Arithmetic Block | DSP |
Design Element | Description | Primitive Subgroup |
FIFO18E2 | Primitive: 18Kb FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Block RAM Memory | FIFO |
FIFO36E2 | Primitive: 36Kb FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Block RAM Memory | FIFO |
RAMB18E2 | Primitive: 18K-bit Configurable Synchronous Block RAM | BRAM |
RAMB36E2 | Primitive: 36K-bit Configurable Synchronous Block RAM | BRAM |
URAM288 | Primitive: 288K-bit High-Density Memory Building Block | URAM |
URAM288_BASE | Primitive: 288K-bit High-Density Base Memory Building Block | URAM |
Design Element | Description | Primitive Subgroup |
LUT6_2 | Primitive: Six-input, 2-output, Look-Up Table | LUT |
RAM128X1D | Primitive: 128-Deep by 1-Wide Dual Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM) | LUTRAM |
RAM128X1S | Primitive: 128-Deep by 1-Wide Random Access Memory (Select RAM) | LUTRAM |
RAM256X1D | Primitive: 256-Deep by 1-Wide Dual Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM) | LUTRAM |
RAM256X1S | Primitive: 256-Deep by 1-Wide Random Access Memory (Select RAM) | LUTRAM |
RAM32M | Primitive: 32-Deep by 8-bit Wide Multi Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM) | LUTRAM |
RAM32M16 | Primitive: 32-Deep by 16-bit Wide Multi Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM) | LUTRAM |
RAM32X1D | Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide Static Dual Port Synchronous RAM | LUTRAM |
RAM32X1S | Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM | LUTRAM |
RAM512X1S | Primitive: 512-Deep by 1-Wide Random Access Memory (Select RAM) | LUTRAM |
RAM64M | Primitive: 64-Deep by 4-bit Wide Multi Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM) | LUTRAM |
RAM64M8 | Primitive: 64-Deep by 8-bit Wide Multi Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM) | LUTRAM |
RAM64X1D | Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide Dual Port Static Synchronous RAM | LUTRAM |
RAM64X1S | Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM | LUTRAM |
AND2B1L | Primitive: Two input AND gate implemented in place of a CLB Latch | LATCH |
CARRY8 | Primitive: Fast Carry Logic with Look Ahead | CARRY |
CFGLUT5 | Primitive: 5-input Dynamically Reconfigurable Look-Up Table (LUT) | LUT |
LUT1 | Primitive: 1-Bit Look-Up Table | LUT |
LUT2 | Primitive: 2-Bit Look-Up Table | LUT |
LUT3 | Primitive: 3-Bit Look-Up Table | LUT |
LUT4 | Primitive: 4-Bit Look-Up Table | LUT |
LUT5 | Primitive: 5-Bit Look-Up Table | LUT |
LUT6 | Primitive: 6-Bit Look-Up Table | LUT |
MUXF7 | Primitive: CLB MUX to connect two LUT6's Together | MUXF |
MUXF8 | Primitive: CLB MUX to connect two MUXF7's Together | MUXF |
MUXF9 | Primitive: CLB MUX to connect two MUXF8s Together | MUXF |
OR2L | Primitive: Two input OR gate implemented in place of a CLB Latch | LATCH |
RAM64X8SW | Primitive: 64-Deep by 8-bit Wide Random Access Memory with Single-Bit Write (Select RAM) | LUTRAM |
SRL16E | Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) | SRL |
SRLC32E | Primitive: 32-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) | SRL |
Design Element | Description | Primitive Subgroup |
BUFG | Primitive: General Clock Buffer | BUFFER |
BUFG_GT | Primitive: Clock Buffer Driven by Gigabit Transceiver | BUFFER |
BUFG_GT_SYNC | Primitive: Synchronizer for BUFG_GT Control Signals | CLOCK_SYNC |
BUFG_PS | Primitive: A high-fanout buffer for low-skew distribution of the PS Clock signals | BUFFER |
BUFGCE | Primitive: General Clock Buffer with Clock Enable | BUFFER |
BUFGCE_1 | Primitive: General Clock Buffer with Clock Enable and Output State 1 | BUFFER |
BUFGCE_DIV | Primitive: General Clock Buffer with Divide Function | BUFFER |
BUFGCTRL | Primitive: General Clock Control Buffer | MUX |
BUFGMUX | Primitive: General Clock Mux Buffer | MUX |
BUFGMUX_1 | Primitive: General Clock Mux Buffer with Output State 1 | MUX |
BUFGMUX_CTRL | Primitive: 2-to-1 General Clock MUX Buffer | MUX |
MMCME3_ADV | Primitive: Advanced Mixed Mode Clock Manager (MMCM) | PLL |
MMCME3_BASE | Primitive: Base Mixed Mode Clock Manager (MMCM) | PLL |
MMCME4_ADV | Primitive: Advanced Mixed Mode Clock Manager (MMCM) | PLL |
MMCME4_BASE | Primitive: Base Mixed Mode Clock Manager (MMCM) | PLL |
PLLE3_ADV | Primitive: Advanced Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) | PLL |
PLLE3_BASE | Primitive: Base Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) | PLL |
PLLE4_ADV | Primitive: Advanced Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) | PLL |
PLLE4_BASE | Primitive: Base Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) | PLL |
Design Element | Description | Primitive Subgroup |
BSCANE2 | Primitive: Boundary-Scan User Instruction | BSCAN |
DNA_PORTE2 | Primitive: Device DNA Access Port | DNA |
EFUSE_USR | Primitive: 32-bit non-volatile design ID | EFUSE |
FRAME_ECCE3 | Primitive: Configuration Frame Error Correction | ECC |
FRAME_ECCE4 | Primitive: Configuration Frame Error Correction | ECC |
ICAPE3 | Primitive: Internal Configuration Access Port | ICAP |
MASTER_JTAG | Primitive: JTAG Port Access | MASTER_JTAG |
STARTUPE3 | Primitive: STARTUP Block | STARTUP |
USR_ACCESSE2 | Primitive: Configuration Data Access | USR_ACCESS |
Design Element | Description | Primitive Subgroup |
BITSLICE_CONTROL | Primitive: BITSLICE_CONTROL for control using Native Mode | BITSLICE |
DCIRESET | Primitive: Digitally Controlled Impedance Reset Component | DCI_RESET |
IBUF | Primitive: Input Buffer | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUF_ANALOG | Primitive: Analog Auxiliary SYSMON Input Buffer | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUF_IBUFDISABLE | Primitive: Input Buffer With Input Buffer Disable | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUF_INTERMDISABLE | Primitive: Input Buffer With Input Buffer Disable and On-die Input Termination Disable | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUFDS | Primitive: Differential Input Buffer | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT | Primitive: Differential Input Buffer With Complementary Outputs | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _IBUFDISABLE | Primitive: Differential Input Buffer With Complementary Outputs and Input Buffer Disable | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _INTERMDISABLE | Primitive: Differential Input Buffer with Complementary Outputs, Input Path Disable and On-die Input Termination Disable | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUFDS_DPHY | Primitive: Differential Input Buffer with MIPI support | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUFDS_IBUFDISABLE | Primitive: Differential Input Buffer With Input Buffer Disable | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUFDS_INTERMDISABLE | Primitive: Differential Input Buffer With Input Buffer Disable and On-die Input Termination Disable | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUFDSE3 | Primitive: Differential Input Buffer with Offset Calibration | INPUT_BUFFER |
IBUFE3 | Primitive: Input Buffer with Offset Calibration and VREF Tuning | INPUT_BUFFER |
IDELAYCTRL | Primitive: IDELAYE3/ODELAYE3 Tap Delay Value Control | DELAY |
IDELAYE3 | Primitive: Input Fixed or Variable Delay Element | DELAY |
IOBUF | Primitive: Input/Output Buffer | BIDIR_BUFFER |
IOBUF_DCIEN | Primitive: Input/Output Buffer DCI Enable | BIDIR_BUFFER |
IOBUF_INTERMDISABLE | Primitive: Bidirectional Buffer with Input Path Disable and On-die Input Termination Disable | BIDIR_BUFFER |
IOBUFDS | Primitive: Differential Input/Output Buffer | BIDIR_BUFFER |
IOBUFDS_DCIEN | Primitive: Differential Bidirectional Buffer With Input Buffer Disable and On-die Input Termination Disable | BIDIR_BUFFER |
IOBUFDS_DIFF_OUT | Primitive: Differential Input/Output Buffer Primitive With Complementary Outputs for the Input Buffer | BIDIR_BUFFER |
IOBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _DCIEN | Primitive: Differential Bidirectional Buffer with Complementary Outputs, Input Path Disable, and On-die Input Termination Disable | BIDIR_BUFFER |
IOBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _INTERMDISABLE | Primitive: Differential Bidirectional Buffer with Complementary Outputs, Input Buffer Disable and On-die Input Termination Disable | BIDIR_BUFFER |
IOBUFDS_INTERMDISABLE | Primitive: Differential Bidirectional Buffer With Input Buffer Disable and On-die Input | BIDIR_BUFFER |
IOBUFDSE3 | Primitive: Differential Bidirectional I/O Buffer with Offset Calibration | BIDIR_BUFFER |
IOBUFE3 | Primitive: Bidirectional I/O Buffer with Offset Calibration and VREF Tuning | BIDIR_BUFFER |
ISERDESE3 | Primitive: Input SERial/DESerializer | SERDES |
KEEPER | Primitive: I/O Weak Keeper | WEAK_DRIVER |
OBUF | Primitive: Output Buffer | OUTPUT_BUFFER |
OBUFDS | Primitive: Differential Output Buffer | OUTPUT_BUFFER |
OBUFDS_DPHY | Primitive: Differential Output Buffer with MIPI support | OUTPUT_BUFFER |
OBUFT | Primitive: 3-State Output Buffer | OUTPUT_BUFFER |
OBUFTDS | Primitive: Differential 3-state Output Buffer | OUTPUT_BUFFER |
ODELAYE3 | Primitive: Output Fixed or Variable Delay Element | DELAY |
OSERDESE3 | Primitive: Output SERial/DESerializer | SERDES |
PULLDOWN | Primitive: I/O Pulldown | WEAK_DRIVER |
PULLUP | Primitive: I/O Pullup | WEAK_DRIVER |
RIU_OR | Primitive: Register Interface Unit Selection Block | BITSLICE |
RX_BITSLICE | Primitive: RX_BITSLICE for input using Native Mode | BITSLICE |
RXTX_BITSLICE | Primitive: RXTX_BITSLICE for bidirectional I/O using Native Mode | BITSLICE |
TX_BITSLICE | Primitive: TX_BITSLICE for output using Native Mode | BITSLICE |
TX_BITSLICE_TRI | Primitive: TX_BITSLICE_TRI for tristate using Native Mode | BITSLICE |
Design Element | Description | Primitive Subgroup |
FDCE | Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Clear | SDR |
FDPE | Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Preset | SDR |
FDRE | Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Synchronous Reset | SDR |
FDSE | Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Synchronous Set | SDR |
HARD_SYNC | Primitive: Metastability Hardened Registers | METASTABILITY |
IDDRE1 | Primitive: Dedicated Double Data Rate (DDR) Input Register | DDR |
LDCE | Primitive: Transparent Latch with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Clear | LATCH |
LDPE | Primitive: Transparent Latch with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Preset | LATCH |
ODDRE1 | Primitive: Dedicated Double Data Rate (DDR) Output Register | DDR |