BITSLICE_CONTROL - 2024.2 English - UG974

UltraScale Architecture Libraries Guide (UG974)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

Primitive: BITSLICE_CONTROL for control using Native Mode

  • Families: UltraScale, UltraScale+


In native mode, the BITSLICE_CONTROL controls the clocking and characteristics of the six or seven bitslices within a nibble.

Port Descriptions

Port Direction Width Function
CLK_FROM_EXT Input 1 Inter-byte clock coming from north or south BITSLICE_CONTROL.
CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH Output 1 Inter-byte clock going to north BITSLICE_CONTROL.
CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH Output 1 Inter-byte clock going to south BITSLICE_CONTROL.
DLY_RDY Output 1 Fixed delay calibration complete.
DYN_DCI<6:0> Output 7 Direct control of IOB DCI when using a memory interface.
EN_VTC Input 1 Enables voltage and temperature compensation when High.
NCLK_NIBBLE_IN Input 1 Intra-byte DQS strobes from other/clock control block.
NCLK_NIBBLE_OUT Output 1 Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other control block.
PCLK_NIBBLE_IN Input 1 Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock from other control block.
PCLK_NIBBLE_OUT Output 1 Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other control block.
PHY_RDCS0<3:0> Input 4 Rank select. Selects one of four ranks when using a memory interface.
PHY_RDCS1<3:0> Input 4 Rank select. Selects one of four ranks when using a memory interface.
PHY_RDEN<3:0> Input 4 Read burst enable when using a memory interface.
PHY_WRCS0<3:0> Input 4 Rank select. Selects one of four ranks when using a memory interface.
PHY_WRCS1<3:0> Input 4 Rank select. Selects one of four ranks when using a memory interface.
PLL_CLK Input 1 PLL clock input.
REFCLK Input 1 Frequency reference clock for delay control.
RIU_ADDR<5:0> Input 6 Address input for RIU.
RIU_CLK Input 1 System clock from fabric for RIU access.
RIU_NIBBLE_SEL Input 1 Nibble select to enable RIU read/write.
RIU_RD_DATA<15:0> Output 16 RIU Output Read data to the controller.
RIU_VALID Output 1 Indicates that last data written has been accepted when High.
RIU_WR_DATA<15:0> Input 16 RIU Input Write data from the controller.
RIU_WR_EN Input 1 Enables write to RIU when High.
RST Input 1 Asynchronous global reset.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN0<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 0.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN1<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 1.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN2<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 2.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN3<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 3.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN4<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 4.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN5<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 5.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN6<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 6.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 0.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 1.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 2.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 3.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 4.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 5.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 6.
TBYTE_IN<3:0> Input 4 Output enable for 3-state control and WClkgen when using a memory interface.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN_TRI<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN0<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 0.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN1<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 1.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN2<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 2.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN3<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 3.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN4<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 4.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN5<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 5.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN6<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 6.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT_TRI<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 0.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 1.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 2.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 3.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 4.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 5.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 6.
VTC_RDY Output 1 PHY calibration is complete, VTC is enabled after EN_VTC is enabled.

Design Entry Method

Instantiation Yes
Inference No
IP and IP Integrator Catalog Yes

Available Attributes

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
DIV_MODE STRING "DIV2", "DIV4" "DIV2" Select between controller DIV2 or DIV4 mode.
EN_CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH STRING "DISABLE", "ENABLE" "DISABLE" Enable clock forwarding to north for inter-byte clocking.
EN_CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH STRING "DISABLE", "ENABLE" "DISABLE" Enable clock forwarding to south for inter-byte clocking.
EN_DYN_ODLY_MODE STRING "FALSE", "TRUE" "FALSE" Enables dynamic output delay mode when TRUE.
  • "TRUE": Select the NCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble.
  • "FALSE": Other BITSLICE_CONTROL NCLK is not used.
  • "TRUE": Select the PCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble.
  • "FALSE": Other BITSLICE_CONTROL PCLK is not used.
IDLY_VT_TRACK STRING "TRUE", "FALSE" "TRUE" Globally enable VT tracking for input delays associated with the BITSLICE_CONTROL.
INV_RXCLK STRING "FALSE", "TRUE" "FALSE" Invert clock path from IOB to upper RX bitslice.
ODLY_VT_TRACK STRING "TRUE", "FALSE" "TRUE" Globally enable VT tracking for output delays associated with the BITSLICE_CONTROL.
QDLY_VT_TRACK STRING "TRUE", "FALSE" "TRUE" Globally enable VT tracking for clock delays associated with the BITSLICE_CONTROL.
READ_IDLE_COUNT HEX 6'h00 to 6'h3f 6'h00 Gap count between read bursts for ODT control counter
REFCLK_SRC STRING "PLLCLK", "REFCLK" "PLLCLK" Selects the PLLCLK or REFCLK as the input clock for the delay control. REFCLK is supported only for RX_BITSLICE.
ROUNDING_FACTOR DECIMAL 16, 2, 4, 8, 32, 64, 128 16 Rounding factor in BISC spec.
  • "SHIFT_0": No Shift.
  • "SHIFT_90": Shift Read CLK by 90 relative to read DQ during calibration.
  • "SHIFT_0": No Shift.
  • "SHIFT_90": Shift Read CLK by 90 relative to read DQ during calibration.
RXGATE_EXTEND STRING "FALSE", "TRUE" "FALSE" Reserved for use by Memory IP. Do Not Change.
SELF_CALIBRATE STRING "ENABLE", "DISABLE" "ENABLE" Enable or Disable Built in Self Calibration of the nibble group controlled by the BITSLICE_CONTROL.
SERIAL_MODE STRING "FALSE", "TRUE" "FALSE" Put BITSLICE read paths into serial mode. The input clock from the data receiver comes from an external source via a PLLE3. One example use is for SGMII.

VHDL Instantiation Template

Unless they already exist, copy the following two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- BITSLICE_CONTROL: BITSLICE_CONTROL for control using Native Mode
--                   UltraScale
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2024.2

generic map (
   DIV_MODE => "DIV2",               -- Controller DIV2/DIV4 mode (DIV2, DIV4)
   EN_CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH => "DISABLE", -- Enable clock forwarding to north
   EN_CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH => "DISABLE", -- Enable clock forwarding to south
   EN_DYN_ODLY_MODE => "FALSE",      -- Enable dynamic output delay mode
   EN_OTHER_NCLK => "FALSE",         -- Select the NCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble
                                     -- (FALSE, TRUE).
   EN_OTHER_PCLK => "FALSE",         -- Select the PCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble
                                     -- (FALSE, TRUE).
   IDLY_VT_TRACK => "TRUE",          -- Enable VT tracking for input delays
   INV_RXCLK => "FALSE",             -- Invert clock path from IOB to upper RX bitslice
   ODLY_VT_TRACK => "TRUE",          -- Enable VT tracking for output delays
   QDLY_VT_TRACK => "TRUE",          -- Enable VT tracking for clock delays
   READ_IDLE_COUNT => X"00",         -- Gap count between read bursts for ODT control counter (0-3f)
   REFCLK_SRC => "PLLCLK",           -- Select the input clock for delay control (PLLCLK, REFCLK). REFCLK is
                                     -- only supported for RX_BITSLICE.
   ROUNDING_FACTOR => 16,            -- Rounding factor in BISC spec (128-8)
   RXGATE_EXTEND => "FALSE",         -- Reserved for use by Memory IP. Do Not Change.
   RX_CLK_PHASE_N => "SHIFT_0",      -- Shift the Read CLK relative to read DQ during calibration (SHIFT_0,
                                     -- SHIFT_90)
   RX_CLK_PHASE_P => "SHIFT_0",      -- Shift the Read CLK relative to read DQ during calibration (SHIFT_0,
                                     -- SHIFT_90)
   RX_GATING => "DISABLE",           -- ENABLE/DISABLE read DQS gating
   SELF_CALIBRATE => "ENABLE",       -- Enable BISC of nibble controlled by BITSLICE_CONTROL
   SERIAL_MODE => "FALSE",           -- Put BITSLICE read paths into serial mode (FALSE, TRUE)
   SIM_DEVICE => "ULTRASCALE_PLUS",  -- Set the device version for simulation functionality (ULTRASCALE,
                                     -- ULTRASCALE_PLUS, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES1, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES2)
   TX_GATING => "DISABLE"            -- ENABLE/DISABLE clock gating in WClkgen
port map (
   CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH => CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH,       -- 1-bit output: Inter-byte clock going to north
                                               -- BITSLICE_CONTROL

   CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH => CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH,       -- 1-bit output: Inter-byte clock going to south
                                               -- BITSLICE_CONTROL

   DLY_RDY => DLY_RDY,                         -- 1-bit output: Fixed delay calibration complete
   DYN_DCI => DYN_DCI,                         -- 7-bit output: Direct control of IOB DCI when using a
                                               -- memory interface

   NCLK_NIBBLE_OUT => NCLK_NIBBLE_OUT,         -- 1-bit output: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other
                                               -- control block

   PCLK_NIBBLE_OUT => PCLK_NIBBLE_OUT,         -- 1-bit output: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other
                                               -- control block

   RIU_RD_DATA => RIU_RD_DATA,                 -- 16-bit output: RIU Output Read data to the controller
   RIU_VALID => RIU_VALID,                     -- 1-bit output: Last data written has been accepted when High
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 0
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 1
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 2
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 3
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 4
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 5
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 6
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 0
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 1
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 2
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 3
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 4
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 5
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 6
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT_TRI => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT_TRI, -- 40-bit output: Output bus to 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI
   VTC_RDY => VTC_RDY,                         -- 1-bit output: PHY calibration is complete
   CLK_FROM_EXT => CLK_FROM_EXT,               -- 1-bit input: Inter-byte clock coming from north or south
                                               -- BITSLICE_CONTROL

   EN_VTC => EN_VTC,                           -- 1-bit input: Enables voltage and temperature compensation
                                               -- when High

   NCLK_NIBBLE_IN => NCLK_NIBBLE_IN,           -- 1-bit input: Intra-byte DQS strobes from other/clock
                                               -- control block

   PCLK_NIBBLE_IN => PCLK_NIBBLE_IN,           -- 1-bit input: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock from other
                                               -- control block

   PHY_RDCS0 => PHY_RDCS0,                     -- 4-bit input: Rank select
   PHY_RDCS1 => PHY_RDCS1,                     -- 4-bit input: Rank select
   PHY_RDEN => PHY_RDEN,                       -- 4-bit input: Read burst enable when using a memory
                                               -- interface

   PHY_WRCS0 => PHY_WRCS0,                     -- 4-bit input: Rank select
   PHY_WRCS1 => PHY_WRCS1,                     -- 4-bit input: Rank select
   PLL_CLK => PLL_CLK,                         -- 1-bit input: PLL clock input
   REFCLK => REFCLK,                           -- 1-bit input: Frequency reference clock for delay control
   RIU_ADDR => RIU_ADDR,                       -- 6-bit input: Address input for RIU
   RIU_CLK => RIU_CLK,                         -- 1-bit input: System clock from fabric for RIU access
   RIU_NIBBLE_SEL => RIU_NIBBLE_SEL,           -- 1-bit input: Nibble select to enable RIU read/write
   RIU_WR_DATA => RIU_WR_DATA,                 -- 16-bit input: RIU Input Write data from the controller
   RIU_WR_EN => RIU_WR_EN,                     -- 1-bit input: Enables write to RIU when High
   RST => RST,                                 -- 1-bit input: Asynchronous global reset
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN0 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN0,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 0
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN1 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN1,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 1
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN2 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN2,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 2
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN3 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN3,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 3
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN4 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN4,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 4
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN5 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN5,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 5
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN6 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN6,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 6
   TBYTE_IN => TBYTE_IN,                       -- 4-bit input: Output enable for 3-state control
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN0 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN0,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 0
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN1 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN1,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 1
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN2 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN2,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 2
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN3 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN3,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 3
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN4 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN4,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 4
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN5 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN5,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 5
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN6 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN6,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 6
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN_TRI => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN_TRI    -- 40-bit input: Input bus from 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI

-- End of BITSLICE_CONTROL_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// BITSLICE_CONTROL: BITSLICE_CONTROL for control using Native Mode
//                   UltraScale
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2024.2

   .DIV_MODE("DIV2"),               // Controller DIV2/DIV4 mode (DIV2, DIV4)
   .EN_CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH("DISABLE"), // Enable clock forwarding to north
   .EN_CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH("DISABLE"), // Enable clock forwarding to south
   .EN_DYN_ODLY_MODE("FALSE"),      // Enable dynamic output delay mode
   .EN_OTHER_NCLK("FALSE"),         // Select the NCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble (FALSE,
                                    // TRUE).
   .EN_OTHER_PCLK("FALSE"),         // Select the PCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble (FALSE,
                                    // TRUE).
   .IDLY_VT_TRACK("TRUE"),          // Enable VT tracking for input delays
   .INV_RXCLK("FALSE"),             // Invert clock path from IOB to upper RX bitslice
   .ODLY_VT_TRACK("TRUE"),          // Enable VT tracking for output delays
   .QDLY_VT_TRACK("TRUE"),          // Enable VT tracking for clock delays
   .READ_IDLE_COUNT(6'h00),         // Gap count between read bursts for ODT control counter (0-3f)
   .REFCLK_SRC("PLLCLK"),           // Select the input clock for delay control (PLLCLK, REFCLK). REFCLK is
                                    // only supported for RX_BITSLICE.
   .ROUNDING_FACTOR(16),            // Rounding factor in BISC spec (128-8)
   .RXGATE_EXTEND("FALSE"),         // Reserved for use by Memory IP. Do Not Change.
   .RX_CLK_PHASE_N("SHIFT_0"),      // Shift the Read CLK relative to read DQ during calibration (SHIFT_0,
                                    // SHIFT_90)
   .RX_CLK_PHASE_P("SHIFT_0"),      // Shift the Read CLK relative to read DQ during calibration (SHIFT_0,
                                    // SHIFT_90)
   .RX_GATING("DISABLE"),           // ENABLE/DISABLE read DQS gating
   .SELF_CALIBRATE("ENABLE"),       // Enable BISC of nibble controlled by BITSLICE_CONTROL
   .SERIAL_MODE("FALSE"),           // Put BITSLICE read paths into serial mode (FALSE, TRUE)
   .SIM_DEVICE("ULTRASCALE_PLUS"),  // Set the device version for simulation functionality (ULTRASCALE,
                                    // ULTRASCALE_PLUS, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES1, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES2)
   .TX_GATING("DISABLE")            // ENABLE/DISABLE clock gating in WClkgen
   .CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH(CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH),       // 1-bit output: Inter-byte clock going to north
                                              // BITSLICE_CONTROL

   .CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH(CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH),       // 1-bit output: Inter-byte clock going to south
                                              // BITSLICE_CONTROL

   .DLY_RDY(DLY_RDY),                         // 1-bit output: Fixed delay calibration complete
   .DYN_DCI(DYN_DCI),                         // 7-bit output: Direct control of IOB DCI when using a memory
                                              // interface

   .NCLK_NIBBLE_OUT(NCLK_NIBBLE_OUT),         // 1-bit output: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other control
                                              // block

   .PCLK_NIBBLE_OUT(PCLK_NIBBLE_OUT),         // 1-bit output: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other control
                                              // block

   .RIU_RD_DATA(RIU_RD_DATA),                 // 16-bit output: RIU Output Read data to the controller
   .RIU_VALID(RIU_VALID),                     // 1-bit output: Last data written has been accepted when High
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 0
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 1
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 2
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 3
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 4
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 5
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 6
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 0
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 1
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 2
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 3
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 4
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 5
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 6
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT_TRI(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT_TRI), // 40-bit output: Output bus to 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI
   .VTC_RDY(VTC_RDY),                         // 1-bit output: PHY calibration is complete
   .CLK_FROM_EXT(CLK_FROM_EXT),               // 1-bit input: Inter-byte clock coming from north or south
                                              // BITSLICE_CONTROL

   .EN_VTC(EN_VTC),                           // 1-bit input: Enables voltage and temperature compensation
                                              // when High

   .NCLK_NIBBLE_IN(NCLK_NIBBLE_IN),           // 1-bit input: Intra-byte DQS strobes from other/clock
                                              // control block

   .PCLK_NIBBLE_IN(PCLK_NIBBLE_IN),           // 1-bit input: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock from other
                                              // control block

   .PHY_RDCS0(PHY_RDCS0),                     // 4-bit input: Rank select
   .PHY_RDCS1(PHY_RDCS1),                     // 4-bit input: Rank select
   .PHY_RDEN(PHY_RDEN),                       // 4-bit input: Read burst enable when using a memory interface
   .PHY_WRCS0(PHY_WRCS0),                     // 4-bit input: Rank select
   .PHY_WRCS1(PHY_WRCS1),                     // 4-bit input: Rank select
   .PLL_CLK(PLL_CLK),                         // 1-bit input: PLL clock input
   .REFCLK(REFCLK),                           // 1-bit input: Frequency reference clock for delay control
   .RIU_ADDR(RIU_ADDR),                       // 6-bit input: Address input for RIU
   .RIU_CLK(RIU_CLK),                         // 1-bit input: System clock from fabric for RIU access
   .RIU_NIBBLE_SEL(RIU_NIBBLE_SEL),           // 1-bit input: Nibble select to enable RIU read/write
   .RIU_WR_DATA(RIU_WR_DATA),                 // 16-bit input: RIU Input Write data from the controller
   .RIU_WR_EN(RIU_WR_EN),                     // 1-bit input: Enables write to RIU when High
   .RST(RST),                                 // 1-bit input: Asynchronous global reset
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN0(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN0),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 0
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN1(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN1),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 1
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN2(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN2),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 2
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN3(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN3),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 3
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN4(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN4),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 4
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN5(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN5),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 5
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN6(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN6),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 6
   .TBYTE_IN(TBYTE_IN),                       // 4-bit input: Output enable for 3-state control
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN0(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN0),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 0
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN1(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN1),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 1
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN2(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN2),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 2
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN3(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN3),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 3
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN4(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN4),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 4
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN5(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN5),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 5
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN6(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN6),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 6
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN_TRI(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN_TRI)    // 40-bit input: Input bus from 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI

// End of BITSLICE_CONTROL_inst instantiation

Related Information

  • UltraScale Architecture SelectIO Resources User Guide (UG571)