is a multi-threaded application. The singular task of the
main sfptpd
process is to spawn a number of child processes which
carry out the sfptpd
processing tasks. The main
thread does no further work and, once started, will
ignore attempts to affinitize to another CPU core.
At startup the following command will ensure that sfptpd
and its
child threads will run on CPU core 1.
# taskset -C 1 ./sfptpd -i <interface> -fconfig/ptp_slave.cfg
Thereafter attempts to move the sfptpd
process to a different
thread will fail because the main thread is doing no work, so takes not notice of
affinity changes.
But the child/worker threads can be directed to other CPU cores while
is running. It is strongly recommended that all
workers are affinitized to the same CPU core.
The following example (ptpthreads) script can
be used as a simple shell script to identify sfptpd
threads and affinitize all to a specific CPU core:
# usage: ptpthreads 2
SFPTPD_PIDS=$(ps -T -p $(pidof sfptpd) | grep -v SPID | awk '{print $2}')
for i in ${SFPTPD_PIDS[@]}; do
taskset -c -p $DESIRED_CPU $i;
# Confirm changes for sfptpd threads which are busy:
ps -Leo cpuid,lastcpu,pid | grep $(pidof sfptpd)