Limiting the Number of Operators - 2024.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

Explicitly limiting the number of operators to reduce area may be required in some cases: the default operation of Vitis HLS is to first maximize performance. Limiting the number of operators in a design is a useful technique to reduce the area of the design: it helps reduce area by forcing the sharing of operations. However, this might cause a decline in performance.

The ALLOCATION directive allows you to limit how many operators are used in a design. For example, if a design called foo has 317 multiplications but the FPGA only has 256 multiplier resources (DSP macrocells). The ALLOCATION pragma shown below directs Vitis HLS to create a design with a maximum of 256 multiplication (mul) operators:

dout_t array_arith (dio_t d[317]) {
 static int acc;
 int i;
#pragma HLS ALLOCATION instances=fmul limit=256 operation

 for (i=0;i<317;i++) {
#pragma HLS UNROLL
 acc += acc * d[i];
 rerun acc;
Note: If you specify an ALLOCATION limit that is greater than needed, Vitis HLS attempts to use the number of resources specified by the limit, or the maximum necessary, which reduces the amount of sharing.

You can use the type option to specify if the ALLOCATION directives limits operations, implementations, or functions. The following table lists all the operations that can be controlled using the ALLOCATION directive.

Note: The operations listed below are supported by the ALLOCATION pragma or directive. The BIND_OP pragma or directive supports a subset of operators as described in the command syntax.
Table 1. Vitis HLS Operators
Operator Description
add Integer Addition
ashr Arithmetic Shift-Right
dadd Double-precision floating-point addition
dcmp Double-precision floating-point comparison
ddiv Double-precision floating-point division
dmul Double-precision floating-point multiplication
drecip Double-precision floating-point reciprocal
drem Double-precision floating-point remainder
drsqrt Double-precision floating-point reciprocal square root
dsub Double-precision floating-point subtraction
dsqrt Double-precision floating-point square root
fadd Single-precision floating-point addition
fcmp Single-precision floating-point comparison
fdiv Single-precision floating-point division
fmul Single-precision floating-point multiplication
frecip Single-precision floating-point reciprocal
frem Single-precision floating point remainder
frsqrt Single-precision floating-point reciprocal square root
fsub Single-precision floating-point subtraction
fsqrt Single-precision floating-point square root
icmp Integer Compare
lshr Logical Shift-Right
mul Multiplication
sdiv Signed Divider
shl Shift-Left
srem Signed Remainder
sub Subtraction
udiv Unsigned Division
urem Unsigned Remainder