AXI4-Stream Video - 2.4 English

Video Processing Subsystem Product Guide (PG231)

Document ID
Release Date
2.4 English

The Video Processing Subsystem has AXI4-Stream video input and output interfaces named s_axis and m_axis, respectively. These interfaces follow the interface specification as defined in the Video IP chapter of the Vivado Design Suite: AXI Reference Guide (UG1037). The video AXI4-Stream interface can be single, dual, quad, or octa pixels per clock and can support 8, 10, 12, or 16 bits per component. For example, the pixel mapping per color format and bus signals for 10 bits per component are shown in Table 1 through Table 5.

Table 1. Dual Pixels per Clock, 10 Bits per Component Mapping for RGB
63:60 59:50 49:40 39:30 29:20 19:10 9:0
zero padding R1 B1 G1 R0 B0 G0
Table 2. Dual Pixels per Clock, 10 Bits per Component Mapping for YUV 4:4:4
63:60 59:50 49:40 39:30 29:20 19:10 9:0
zero padding V1 U1 Y1 V0 U0 Y0
Table 3. Dual Pixels per Clock, 10 Bits per Component Mapping for YUV 4:2:2
63:60 59:50 49:40 39:30 29:20 19:10 9:0
zero padding zero padding zero padding V0 Y1 U0 Y0
Table 4. Dual Pixels per Clock, 10 Bits per Component Mapping for YUV 4:2:0, for Even Lines
63:60 59:50 49:40 39:30 29:20 19:10 9:0
zero padding zero padding zero padding V0 Y1 U0 Y0
Table 5. Dual Pixels per Clock, 10 Bits per Component Mapping for YUV 4:2:0, for Odd Lines
63:60 59:50 49:40 39:30 29:20 19:10 9:0
zero padding zero padding zero padding zero padding Y1 zero padding Y0

This IP always generates three video components even if the video format is set to be YUV 4:2:0 or YUV 4:2:2 at runtime. The unused components can be set to zero. All video streaming interfaces follow the interface specification as defined in the AXI4-Stream Video IP and System Design Guide (UG934)

The following table shows the interface signals for input and output AXI4-Stream video streaming interfaces.

Table 6. AXI4 Streaming Interface Signals
Name Direction Width Description
s_axis_tdata In floor(((3 x bits_per_component x pixels_per_clock) + 7) / 8) x 8 Input Data
s_axis_tready Out 1 Input Ready
s_axis_tvalid In 1 Input Valid
s_axis_tid In 1 Input data stream identifier
s_axis_tdest In 1 Input data routing identifier
s_axis_tkeep In (s_axis_video_tdata width)/8 Input byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as part of the data stream
s_axis_tlast In 1 Input End of Line
s_axis_tstrb In (s_axis_video_tdata width)/8 Input byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as a data byte or a position byte
s_axis_tuser In 1 Input Start of frame
m_axis_tdata Out floor(((3 x bits_per_component x pixels_per_clock) + 7) / 8) x 8 Output Data
m_axis_tdest Out 1 Output data routing identifier
m_axis_tid Out 1 Output data stream identifier
m_axis_tkeep Out (m_axis_video_tdata width)/8 Output byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as part of the data stream
m_axis_tlast Out 1 Output End of Line
m_axis_tready In 1 Output Ready
m_axis_tstrb Out (m_axis_video_tdata width)/8 Output byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as a data byte or a position byte
m_axis_tuser Out 1 Output Start of frame
m_axis_tvalid Out 1 Output Valid

Both video streaming interfaces run at the video stream clock speed aclk_axis.