The following table shows the AXI4-Lite
control interface signals. This interface runs at the aclk_ctrl
clock. Control of the video processing pipe is only supported through
the Video Processing Subsystem driver. Data-width is automatically configured based on the
PPC of the design.
Note: Control of the video processing pipe is only supported through the video
processing subsystem driver. The register map is provided for debug purposes only.
Note: AXI write and read data_width selection is compatible to the part
For example : KU+ can support only up to 64 bits and ZU+/Versal supports up to 128 bits.
Name | Direction | Width | Description |
s_axi_ctrl_awaddr | In | 20 | Write address |
s_axi_ctrl_awprot | In | 3 | Write address protection |
s_axi_ctrl_awvalid | In | 1 | Write address valid |
s_axi_ctrl_awready | Out | 1 | Write address ready |
s_axi_ctrl_wdata | In | 32 | Write data |
s_axi_ctrl_wstrb | In | 4 | Write data strobe |
s_axi_ctrl_wvalid | In | 1 | Write data valid |
s_axi_ctrl_wready | Out | 1 | Write data ready |
s_axi_ctrl_bresp | Out | 2 | Write response |
s_axi_ctrl_bvalid | Out | 1 | Write response valid |
s_axi_ctrl_bready | In | 1 | Write response ready |
s_axi_ctrl_araddr | In | 20 | Read address |
s_axi_ctrl_arprot | In | 3 | Read address protection |
s_axi_ctrl_arvalid | In | 1 | Read address valid |
s_axi_ctrl_aready | Out | 1 | Read address ready |
s_axi_ctrl_rdata | Out | 32 | Read data |
s_axi_ctrl_rresp | Out | 2 | Read data response |
s_axi_ctrl_rvalid | Out | 1 | Read data valid |
s_axi_ctrl_rready | In | 1 | Read data ready |