Use the following Tcl commands in the Vivado Tcl Console when connected to the hardware in the Vivado Hardware Manager to interact with the HBM Monitor.
- Displays a list of the HBM interfaces that exist in the design. -
refresh_hw_hbm [lindex [get_hw_hbms] 0]
- Refreshes the status of the specified hardware HBM(s), in this case the HBM denoted by index 0. -
report_property [lindex [get_hw_hbms] 0]
- Reports all the parameters available for the HBM interface specified, in this case for the HBM interface denoted by index 0. -
run_hw_hbm_amon [lindex [get_hw_hbms] 0]
- Enables the activity monitor runs for the specified hardware HBM(s). -
stop_hw_hbm_amon [lindex [get_hw_hbms] 0]
- Disables the Activity Monitor runs for the specified hardware HBM(s).
More specific details and examples can be found in Appendix D of AXI High Bandwidth Controller LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG276).