The add_hw_probe_enum
command, associates an enumeration name-value pair to a debug probe. You can add add_hw_probe
commands to a Tcl file, to have the definitions appear in a separate file. The enumeration names maintain the case they were entered in, but lookup is case-insensitive.
set probe [get_hw_probes fast_cnt_count -of_objects [get_hw_ilas -of_objects
[get_hw_devices xc7k325t_0] -filter {CELL_NAME=~"i_fast_ila"}]]
add_hw_probe_enum ZERO eq5'h00 $probe
add_hw_probe_enum TWELVE eq5'u12 $probe
add_hw_probe_enum THIRTEEN eq5'u13 $probe
add_hw_probe_enum FOURTEEN eq5'u14 $probe
add_hw_probe_enum FIFTEEN eq5'u15 $probe
add_hw_probe_enum SIXTEEN eq5'u16 $probe
add_hw_probe_enum SEVENTEEN eq5'u17 $probe