After generating the In-System IBERT IP core do the following:
- Open your top level RTL file to edit and add the In-System IBERT core generated in the above step.
- Copy the instantiation template of the In-System IBERT core generated by the tool and instantiate it in the RTL file.
- Connect the ports of your transceiver to the In-System IBERT IP.
For a detailed example of how to integrate In-System IBERT into the user design, see Chapter 5 "Example Designs" of the following IP Document: In-System IBERT LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG246).
Tip: Ensure that you have read the FAQ section of the
In-System IBERT LogiCORE IP Product Guide
(PG246), which lists some recommendations for
issues you could encounter while integrating this IP into your design.
4. Synthesize and implement the design.