Removing an Existing Installation

Onload User Guide (UG1586)

Document ID
Release Date
1.2 English

When migrating between Onload versions or between Onload distributions (OpenOnload or EnterpriseOnload), a previously installed version or distribution must first be unloaded using the onload_tool unload command and then removed. Tarball installs can be removed with the onload_uninstall command.

# onload_tool unload
# onload_uninstall

In some specific cases it might be necessary to manually remove onload driver modules before upgrading to a more recent version. To do this, list the modules and remove each dependency before removing the modules:

# lsmod | grep onload
onload                580599  3
sfc_char               47419  1 onload
                      162351  2 onload,sfc_char
sfc                   431807  4 sfc_resource,onload,sfc_char,sfc_affinity
onload_cplane         144142  3 onload


# lsmod | grep sfc
sfc_chsfc_resourcear   47419  1 onload
sfc_resource          162351  2 onload,sfc_char
sfc_affinity           17948  1 sfc_resource
sfc                   431807  4 sfc_resource,onload,sfc_char,sfc_affinity

To remove modules:

# rmmod onload
# rmmod sfc_char

Repeat the rmmod command for each module.

Attempts to unload or uninstall Onload and drivers when onload stacks are still present will result in the following type of warnings:
# onload_tool unload
onload_tool: /sbin/modprobe -r onload
FATAL: Module onload is in use.
FATAL: Error running remove command for onload
onload_tool: ERROR: modprobe -r onload failed (0)
onload_tool: /sbin/modprobe -r sfc_char
FATAL: Module sfc_char is in use.
FATAL: Error running remove command for sfc_char
onload_tool: ERROR: modprobe -r sfc_char failed (0)
onload_tool: /sbin/modprobe -r sfc_resource
FATAL: Module sfc_resource is in use.
onload_tool: ERROR: modprobe -r sfc_resource failed (0)
onload_tool: /sbin/modprobe -r sfc_affinity
FATAL: Module sfc_affinity is in use.
FATAL: Error running remove command for sfc_affinity
onload_tool: ERROR: modprobe -r sfc_affinity failed (0)
onload_tool: /sbin/modprobe -r sfc
FATAL: Module sfc is in use.
onload_tool: ERROR: modprobe -r sfc failed (0)"

The user should check using onload_stackdump [-z] to ensure that all onload stacks have been terminated before the uninstall.