For help use the ./onload_tcpdump -h
onload_tcpdump [-o stack-(id|name) [-o stack ...]] tcpdump_options_and_parameters
"man tcpdump" for details on tcpdump parameters.
You may use stack id number or shell-like pattern for the stack name
to specify the Onload stacks to listen on.
If you do not specify stacks, onload_tcpdump will monitor all onload stacks.
If you do not specify interface via -i option, onload_tcpdump
listens on ALL interfaces instead of the first one.
For further information refer to the Linux man tcpdump
Onload tcpdump only accepts separate command line options - combined options will be ignored by the application parser:
The following example will work:
onload_tcpdump -n -i <interface>
The following example will not work:
onload_tcpdump -ni <interface>