Data Counts - 1.0 English - PG327

Embedded FIFO Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG327)

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1.0 English

data_count tracks the number of words in the FIFO. You can specify the width of the data count bus with a maximum width of log2 (FIFO depth). If the width specified is smaller than the maximum allowable width, the bus is truncated by removing the lower bits. These signals are optional outputs of the FIFO Generator core, and are enabled through the Vivado IDE. The following table identifies data count support for each FIFO implementation. For information about the latency behavior of data count flags, see Latency.

Table 1. Implementation-specific Support for Data Counts
FIFO Implementation Data Count Support
Independent Clocks Block RAM ü
Distributed RAM
Common Clock Block RAM
Distributed RAM
Shift Register

Data Count (Common Clock FIFO Only)

Data Count output (data_count) accurately reports the number of words available in a Common Clock FIFO. You can specify the width of the data count bus with a maximum width of log2(depth). If the width specified is smaller than the maximum allowable width, the bus is truncated with the lower bits removed.

For example, you can specify to use two bits out of a maximum allowable three bits (provided a FIFO depth of eight). These two bits indicate the number of words in the FIFO with a quarter resolution, providing the status of the contents of the FIFO for read and write operations.
Note: If a read or write operation occurs on a rising edge of clk, the data count port is updated at the same rising edge of clk.

Read Data Count

Read data count (rd_data_count) pessimistically reports the number of words available for reading. The count is guaranteed to never over-report the number of words available in the FIFO (although it may temporarily under-report the number of words available) to ensure that the user design never underflows the FIFO. You can specify the width of the read data count bus with a maximum width of log2 (read depth). If the width specified is smaller than the maximum allowable width, the bus is truncated with the lower bits removed.

For example, you can specify to use two bits out of a maximum allowable three bits (provided a FIFO depth of eight). These two bits indicate the number of words in the FIFO, with a quarter resolution. This provides a status of the contents of the FIFO for the read clock domain.
Note: If a read operation occurs on a rising clock edge of rd_clk/clk, that read is reflected on the rd_data_count signal following the next rising clock edge. A write operation on the wr_clk/clk clock domain may take a number of clock cycles before being reflected in the rd_data_count.

Write Data Count

Write data count (wr_data_count) pessimistically reports the number of words written into the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never under-report the number of words in the FIFO (although it may temporarily over-report the number of words present) to ensure that you never overflow the FIFO. You can specify the width of the write data count bus with a maximum width of log2 (write depth). If the width specified is smaller than the maximum allowable width, the bus is truncated with the lower bits removed.

For example, you can only use two bits out of a maximum allowable three bits (provided a FIFO depth of eight). These two bits indicate the number of words in the FIFO, with a quarter resolution. This provides a status of the contents of the FIFO for the write clock domain.
Note: If a write operation occurs on a rising clock edge of wr_clk/clk, that write will be reflected on the wr_data_count signal following the next rising clock edge. A read operation, which occurs on the rd_clk/clk clock domain, may take a number of clock cycles before being reflected in the wr_data_count.

First-Word Fall-Through Data Count

By providing the capability to read the next data word before requesting it, first-word fall-through (FWFT) implementations increase the depth of the FIFO by 2 read words. Using this configuration, the FIFO Generator core enables you to generate data count in two ways:
  • Approximate Data Count
  • More Accurate Data Count (Use Extra Logic)
Approximate Data Count

Approximate Data Count behavior is the default option in the Vivado IDE for independent clock block RAM and distributed RAM FIFOs. This feature is not available for common clock FIFOs. The width of the wr_data_count and rd_data_count is identical to the non first-word-fall-through configurations (log2 (write depth) and log2 (read depth), respectively) but the data counts reported is an approximation because the actual full depth of the FIFO is not supported.

Using this option, you can use specific bits in wr_data_count and rd_data_count to approximately indicate the status of the FIFO, for example, half full, quarter full, and so forth.

For example, for a FIFO with a depth of 16, symmetric read and write port widths, and the first-word-fall-through option selected, the actual FIFO depth increases from 15 to 17. When using approximate data count, the width of wr_data_count and rd_data_count is 4 bits, with a maximum of 15. For this option, you can use the assertion of the MSB bit of the data count to indicate that the FIFO is approximately half full.

More Accurate Data Count (Use Extra Logic)

This feature is enabled when Use Extra Logic for More Accurate Data Counts is selected in the Vivado IDE. In this configuration, the width of wr_data_count, rd_data_count, and data_count is log2(write depth)+1, log2(read depth)+1, and log2(depth)+1, respectively to accommodate the increase in depth in the first-word-fall-through case and to ensure accurate data count is provided.

Important: When using this option, you cannot use any one bit of wr_data_count, rd_data_count, and data_count to indicate the status of the FIFO, for example, approximately half full, quarter full, and so forth.

For example, for an independent FIFO with a depth of 16, symmetric read and write port widths, and the first-word-fall-through option selected, the actual FIFO depth increases from 15 to 17. When using accurate data count, the width of the wr_data_count and rd_data_count is 5 bits, with a maximum of 31. For this option, you must use the assertion of both the MSB and MSB-1 bit of the data count to indicate that the FIFO is at least half full.

Data Count Behavior

For FWFT implementations using More Accurate Data Counts (Use Extra Logic), data_count is guaranteed to be accurate when words are present in the FIFO, with the exception of when its near empty or almost empty or when initial writes occur on an empty FIFO. In these scenarios, data_count may be incorrect on up to two words.

The following table defines the value of data_count when FIFO is empty.

From the point-of-view of the write interface, data_count is always accurate, reporting the first word immediately once its written to the FIFO. However, from the point-of-view of the read interface, the data_count output may over-report by up to two words until almost_empty and empty have both deasserted. This is due to the latency of empty deassertion in the first-word-fall-through FIFO. This latency allows data_count to reflect written words which may not yet be available for reading.

From the point-of-view of the read interface, the data count starts to transition from over-reporting to accurate-reporting at the deassertion to empty. This transition completes after almost_empty deasserts. Before almost_empty deasserts, the data_count signal may exhibit the following behaviors:
  • From the read-interface perspective, data_count may over-report up to two words.

Write Data Count Behavior

Even for FWFT implementations using More Accurate Data Counts (Use Extra Logic), wr_data_count will still pessimistically report the number of words written into the FIFO. However, the addition of this feature will cause wr_data_count to further over-report up to two read words (and 1 to 16 write words, depending on read and write port aspect ratio) when the FIFO is at or near empty or almost empty.

The following table defines the value of wr_data_count when the FIFO is empty.

The wr_data_count starts to transition out of over-reporting two extra read words at the deassertion of empty. This transition completes several clock cycles after almost_empty deasserts. Note that prior to the transition period, wr_data_count will always over-report by at least two read words. During the transition period, the wr_data_count signal may exhibit the following strange behaviors:
  • wr_data_count may decrement although no read operation has occurred.
  • wr_data_count may not increment as expected due to a write operation.
Note: During reset, wr_data_count and data_count value is set to 0.
Important: Use Extra Logic is always true for asymmetric Common Clock block RAM FIFOs when rd_data_count or wr_data_count is enabled.
Table 2. Empty FIFO wr_data_count/data_count Value
Write Depth to Read Depth Ratio Approximate wr_data_count More Accurate wr_data_count More Accurate data_count
1:1 0 2 2 1
1:2 0 1 1 N/A
1:4 0 0 N/A
1:8 0 0 N/A
2:1 0 4 N/A
4:1 0 8 N/A
8:1 0 16 N/A
  1. This is an expected value. However, it may over-report up to two words near empty or until both empty & almost_empty deasserts.

The rd_data_count value at empty (when no write is performed) is 0 with or without Use Extra Logic for all write depth to read depth ratios.

Example Operation

The following figure shows write and read data counts. When wr_en is asserted and full is deasserted, wr_data_count increments. Similarly, when rd_en is asserted and empty is deasserted, rd_data_count decrements.

In the first part of the following figure, a successful write operation occurs on the third rising clock edge, and is not reflected on wr_data_count until the next full clock cycle is complete. Similarly, rd_data_count transitions one full clock cycle after a successful read operation.

Figure 1. Write and Read Data Counts for FIFO with Independent Clocks